Friday, June 17, 2016
What Causes Acne? How Do You Get Rid of It?
ACNE, oh the word that wreaks havoc on most teenagers.... In our day in age, having a good appearance is everything, especially to young people. Being acne free is a difficult thing to achieve during teenage years, however many homemade acne treatments you read about online can help.
Doctors and researchers are no longer blaming high sugar and greasy foods as for what causes acne. It has been shown through studies that the types of food eaten seem to have little or no effect !
One of the major causes of acne is now thought to be hormone levels. Hormones found in men and women in sky rocket while in puberty and are thought to enlarge glands and increase the output of oil on your skin.
In a nutshell , acne forms when your pores get blocked , which leads to bacteria forming. Many researchers say that acne is hereditary , I for one believe it happens to everyone who doesn't take care of their skin.
There are some external causes for acne. Heavy or greasy make ups can cause acne flair ups as can high humidity for some , prescription medications may have a side effect that causes acne.
Acne can be characterized by light to moderate and severe acne. Light to moderate acne is just having blackheads and really minor acne. A severe case of acne would include cysts and nodules , That can be very painful.
Light to moderate acne can be cleared up with products at the store , however depending on how you react to it , there could be a chance it will have either no effect or even irritate your acne even more. Especially with severe acne , which I have had in the past and got rid of using the 3 day acne guide. I have my story listed on my blog , if you want to see how I did it exactly.
It is suggested that you wash at least twice a day. Never squeeze or pick the pimples/zits on your face and don't wash with a washcloth, use your hands. A washcloth can irritate the acne and make it worse.
The earlier that acne is treated, the better it will be. Getting rid of acne isn't that easy though , you need a solid guide with good testimonials so it's guaranteed to work.
That is why I posted my story about how I got rid of severe acne in my blog , so what are you waiting for ??
Be acne free starting today !
At last , How to get rid of acne is solved!
You are FINALLY now about to witness the greatest acne free success story ever told , so brace yourself and your acne!
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Thursday, June 16, 2016
Acne Anatomy - How Pimples Form
Acne. Pimples. Zits. Blemishes. No matter what they're called, acne has affected many people- adults and teenagers alike. Acne typically affects anyone, of any race, and at any age, be it 10 or 40. Although acne is a very common problem many people face (pun intended), its highly visible nature is what makes it such a universal complaint. So much so, that for some people, acne can have a deep psychological impact regarding a person's appearance and self-esteem. Science and technology has made it possible to keep acne at bay, but without an understanding of how acne forms, many people just end up relenting to trial and error when it comes to treating acne.
How acne forms
While reading labels on various lotions and makeup, the word comedogenic (or non-comedogenic) probably pops up. Comedogenesis is simply the clogging of a follicle or pore and usually precedes acnegenesis, or acne formation. Pore clogging typically happens when sebaceous (oil) glands in the skin produce too much oil, and surface skin cells (known as keratinocytes) start to stick together. The amount of oil produced can be due to hormones, such as the case in adolescent acne or acne that is related to the pre-menstrual cycle. The bottom line is that when the pore clogs up, this becomes a rich nutritional source for Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), which is the bacterium thought to be responsible for acne formation. Because of this source, P. acnes will start to collect in a specific area. When enough P. acnes gathers together in one spot, say the nose for example, the body kickstarts an immune response to try to purge the bacteria. This results in redness, pus, inflammation, and the resulting mound that many people love to pick at. But don't be a picker!! The nails harbor lots of bacteria, and introduction of such to an area that's already inflamed will only cause more inflammation. Sharp nails also risk irreversible pick scars that will look deep and depressed.
So what can be done to prevent P. acnes from wreaking havoc in the skin? There are various ways of killing P. acnes.
Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl Peroxide (BPO) kills P. acnes due tp oxygenation of the affected pore/follicle. Treatments such as cleansers and lotions that contain a concentration of BPO are effective in reducing P. acnes, but it is important to note that because oxidation causes free radicals, prolonged use of higher concentrations of benzoyl peroxide may eventually lead to accelerated aging of the skin.
Who knew the smelly pink stuff that looks like Calamine would work to dry up acne? Sulfur has a dual action because not only does it have antibacterial properties that kills P. acnes, it's also a good keratolytic that causes the top layers of the skin to loosen and slough off. However, it's important to make sure to do a patch test first to ensure you are not allergic to sulfur, because it's known to cause reactions in some people. Also, using sulfur too often will cause overdrying.
Antibiotics such as topical erythromycin and clindamycin also target and kill P. acnes. But caution should be used because there may be a likelihood that the bacteria may form a resistance to the antibiotic over time.
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
In a previous article, I wrote that various light systems today are used to improve skin conditions such as acne. Specifically, blue light with a wavelength of about 420 nanometers is absorbed by P.acnes, which leads to the excitation of particles called porphyrins that live in P. acnes. As porphyrins are excited, they break down the bacterial walls of P. acnes and destroys them.
Although blue light alone was clinically shown to improve mild to moderate acne, severe cystic acne needs more power punch. A more powerful form of PDT combines LED light with 5-aminolevulinic acid (Levulan). A Levulan swabstick is first applied on the skin, and left on to "incubate" for about 1-2 hours. A patient is then exposed to LED light (with safety eyeshields on) for a few minutes to activate the Levulan. In addition to killing P. acnes through the use of wavelength-specific lights (the photodynamic part), Levulan acts to shut down sebaceous glands that produce excess sebum (oil).
It is extremely important to note that although Levulan has a high efficacy rate in severe acne lesions, it is not for everyone, especially darker-skinned individuals because it has a greater chance of hyperpigmenation (skin darkening) from the treatment. It should also be noted that some may feel a burning sensation after photoactivation, which also has subsequent redness, followed by severe peeling of the skin. This lasts a few days, up to about a week of downtime.
Whatever the degree of acne, these different treatment modalities help to control its effects. So even though acne is not curable, it is manageable. Consulting with a skincare professional will help ensure you look and feel your best so you can put your best face forward!
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Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Cure Acne Review
Searching online for an acne cure can be something of a minefield. We tend to be bombarded with so many different treatment programs it can begin to make our heads spin. In order to try and help simplify the process I have decided to write this cure acne review on what I believe are the best acne remedies currently available on the market. I have researched the credentials of their creators, examined the systems themselves and taken the time, via acne forums and blogs, to try and get as much feedback as possible from those who have used the programs.
No cure acne review can be written without mentioning Acne No More. It is the No.1 online acne cure program and certainly the most talked about. Creator Mike Walden has worked in the health industry as a nutritionist and medical researcher for over 14 years. Such was his success in fighting his own personal battle against acne that he decided to release the Acne No More system. He describes it as an "Acne Bible" and believes it is the most comprehensive guide to acne freedom you will ever read.
So, does it work? Having examined the program I have to say it is indeed a very detailed and precise guide. It is not just an acne relief program but a total holistic cure system, this means it looks to not only eliminate the symptoms of acne but also remove the underlying causes. The theory being that rather than achieving short term success, sufferers can look forward to a long term permanent cure.
It is difficult to find anyone who has anything negative to say about Acne No More, of course there are as you would expect plenty of glowing testimonials on the Acne No More website. Looking around the various acne forums and blogs it would also appear most only have good things to say about the program. Apart from a few dissenting voices, it seems the vast majority of acne sufferers are very satisfied with the results they have achieved through using the Acne No More system.
Another program that focuses on a natural, holistic approach to curing acne is the 14 Days Acne Cure system. As the title suggests it involves a 14 day diet plan to help your body detox and remove acne causing toxins as well as a skin cleansing program. This is all achieved without the need for harsh chemicals or drugs and so eliminates the possibility of any side effects.
Although I feel it is not as comprehensive as the Acne No More program it has still proved to be a popular system. The ideas and concepts presented are sound and should work for most acne sufferers. Having said that some users have reported that expecting to be acne free after 14 days may be a little overhyped, all our bodies are different and some will take longer than others to achieve the desired results.
Acne Free in 3 Days has certainly created something of a buzz amongst those looking to cure their acne. The main question being of course is it possible to cure acne in 3 days? That has not proved to be an easy question to answer. Whilst researching this review I have found mixed responses from users of the program. Some claim it is a miracle cure, others have reported seeing an improvement in their condition while there are those who suggest it has no effect and isn't worth the investment.
The system is based on the idea that acne is caused by an unhealthy colon and a form of yeast known as candida albicans. Although this yeast occurs naturally the system suggests that an excess of candida albicans in the body are a common cause of acne. Again this system works on the theory of detoxification and also a certain amount of fasting (which I believe makes it unsuitable for younger acne sufferers), the idea being that over a period of 3 days you will allow the body to rid itself of acne causing toxins. In conclusion I would have to say Acne Free in 3 Days won't work for everybody, if you follow the program I do believe you will see positive results, just not in the timescale stated.
So there we have it, these are by far the most popular acne cure systems available online today. You will probably have noticed whilst reading this cure acne review that they all follow a natural, holistic approach to curing acne. The holistic approach is now considered one of the most progressive ways of tackling the acne condition.
For more information go to Cure Acne Review [] For more tips and ideas on how to control and manage acne check out []
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Acne Alternative Treatment - No Nonsense Guide To Cure Acne
It is common to see people rushing to pharmacies to purchase creams, cleanser or lotions to cure their acne. Visiting the dermatologist is also a common thing that acne sufferers do but are these correct ways to treat acne? Most people still suffer from acne after spending huge amount of money on acne products and consultations by dermatologist. This shows that it takes more than creams and antibiotics to help cure your acne. The real answer lies in acne alternative treatment and I will talk more about it.
Acne occurs when you have a weakened immune system, excess dead skin cells, oily skin and a body prone to inflammation. These are the underlying causes of acne but acne products and antibiotics do not tend to these problems. In fact, it can even worsen the problem.
People fail to get rid of their acne when they rely on acne creams and cleanser. It can help to treat acne at its surface but acne will continue to appear unless you get rid of the deeper problems that cause breakouts.
Acne alternative treatment consists of altering your diet. Our diet plays a huge role in alternative treatment as it can get rid of the underlying problems that cause acne.
A diet that consists of refined carbohydrates, high sugar content food and animal fats can make you vulnerable to acne. Refined carbohydrates and high sugar content food can cause insulin spike in your blood level. The spike causes your skin cells to turnover faster, which can increase your chances of pores blockages. It also causes your skin to become oily.
Eating junk foods can also have an adverse effect on your body. Foreign chemicals such as preservatives and additives can cause your body to accumulate toxins. Our elimination organs such as kidneys and colon can help to get rid of these toxins. However, these organs can become sluggish when they are overwhelmed by the huge amount of toxins in the body.
Your overall health is affected when toxins are not eliminated efficiently from your body. Your skin will help to push the toxins out of your body and it will increase your chances of having new acne outbreaks.
If you truly want to get rid of acne, stop relying on acne products and antibiotics. Try out the alternative acne treatment of cleansing your body by the methods of detoxing and eating a clean diet. Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates, high sugar content food and junk foods. Replace them with natural foods such as fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables. These are real foods that can help your body to get back into balance. You can see results in a week or 2 if you maintain a strict diet.
Last but not least, invest your time and money into learning more about your acne condition. Read more articles here, pick up new books or read up on blogs. Most people do not know how to cure acne and the exact causes of it. It is easy to cure acne once you know what causes it. You can go on to tackle the real problems of acne and being acne free is not a dream anymore, it is some that can be done.
If you do not know where to start, you can pick up the eBook Acne No More by Mike Walden. This is the book that I first started out with and it provides me with lots of new insights and effective tips that helped me cured my acne in 4 weeks time.
Next, find out how you get rid of acne effortlessly. Click on the link and read this ebook by Mike Walden and he will teach you what you need to know to cure your acne now. >>> Acne No More Review
Joseph is a past acne sufferer and he used the unique 5 steps holistic acne cure methods that Mike Walden teaches to help him to cure his acne in just 4 weeks time. He writes about severe acne treatment and also share with you tips on his blog to help you clear your acne fast.
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Monday, June 13, 2016
Natural Remedies for Healing Acne
I have personally suffered from acne since my teenage years and now well into my adult years I still struggle to get that perfect skin. As I have tried everything from topical creams to antibiotics and the contraceptive pill, which help somewhat but then of course the problem returns when you stop treatment... I am now always on the lookout for more natural solutions. This blog post is therefore going to focus on natural remedies I have used and how I've got on with them plus some others I am yet to try.
Lemon juice - I have tried this a few times in the last couple of years when my acne has got so bad to the point where I have had enough. I basically squeeze fresh juice from a lemon into a bowl, soak a cotton pad with the juice and rub all over my face before bed. It does sting like crazy, but my philosophy of no pain no gain, means I just put up with it. The stinging goes after less than a couple of minutes. If the stinging is too much for you then, just dilute juice with some water. I leave this on my face overnight and wash off in the morning. I do see results quite quickly - within a day or two - but this works more for acne scarring by lightening the skin or making spots appear less red. I also find it gives a nice glowy complexion. I'm not sure this really stops spots from forming but may stop them developing into big angry ones.
Aloe Vera - We have a couple of plants at home so I cut a small piece of one of the leaves and squeeze the juicy gel out and apply to clean skin before bed. Again I allow it to dry on my face overnight. You will find this smells a bit weird but only for the first minute or two. This makes my skin soft and maybe helps with scaring and healing the skin. I didn't find this got rid of my acne but I like to use this now and again to soften up my skin.
Zinc - I have recently read many great reviews on zinc and how the problem of some people's acne is because they are zinc deficient. I also hear it's particularly great for hormonal acne, which is the cause of my acne. I've only recently started taking zinc tablets but because I have changed a few things in my skincare routine it's difficult to fairly comment at the moment. But do come back as I will be writing another post in a few weeks on the result of new skincare products I am testing. Anyway, I have read that some people see a difference in a couple of days of taking zinc and others say within a week, acne is reduced by 80-90%. This is definitely worth a go as zinc is natural so no harm there but obviously be aware of the quantities you are taking and don't go over the RDA unless your GP says ok. I think zinc can be harmful but in much higher quantities so do your research first!
Green Tea - Please don't pour a hot cup of green tea on your face - scalding scars are worse than acne scars! Anyway, joking aside, I first soak the tea bag and then rub it on my clean face before I go to bed and leave on overnight. For me this didn't work but again others have had success so worth a try. Drinking green tea is also supposed to help with healing the skin because of the antioxidants it contains.
Olive oil - I haven't tried this but have heard it's good for acne scaring. You simply massage the oil into and around the scar and leave it for a while to soak in. This helps to soften and moisturize the skin which helps diminish the scar.
Tomatoes - Hmmm, not tried this one either but tomatoes are high in vitamin A. It's this vitamin which is responsible for keeping the body from producing too much sebum which is largely responsible for the formation of acne. Plus tomatoes are rich in antioxidants which are beneficial for repairing the skin. So get eating that juicy red fruit which pretends to be a vegetable!
So there you go, a few natural remedies which you can play with... do comment below if you have tried any and what your experience is. Or please share if you know of anymore? Once I have found and tried a few more myself I will also write another post. In fact you will see a few skin related posts on this blog as I'm very interested in the subject. As with any remedy, I would give it a good few weeks before swapping to something else as it does take time for the skin to react and renew and even though some people see positive results in a couple of days, that is not always the case. If you have an adverse reaction, obviously discontinue use immediately. Good luck in achieving your perfect skin!
For more interesting articles on skin related issues, health and wellness, then please check out my blog
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Sunday, June 12, 2016
The 11 Kinds of Acne Classified According to Causes
If you have been plagued with acne at some point in your life, you are probably obsessed with washing your face all the time - making sure that it's clean to keep away the acne Ironically, people who are prone to acne are actually quite particular with cleanliness. They often wash their faces and making sure that their body is clean. By doing this, they are hoping that the affliction will eventually go away.
The 11 Kinds of Acne
There are actually different kinds of acne The word is a catch-all term for all types of acne There are general kinds of acne that you might call cystic acne adult acne and so on; but to be really specific and to classify acne according to its causes, the 11 classes are as follow:
1. Acne Cosmetic. This is the acne that is cause by use of cosmetics. The use of cosmetics alone does not cause acne It is actually the kind of cosmetics and the prolonged use of cosmetics that irritates the skin. Your pores react negatively to the ingredients and acne results.
2. Acne Conglobata. This is the type of acne that is largely caused by hereditary factors. If your parents suffered from severe acne you will probably suffer the same. Oftentimes, this type of acne results to severe scarring on the area affected. The unfortunate thing about this acne is that you can hardly do anything about it.
3. Acne Detergents. This acne is caused by soaps, detergents and cleansers which irritate the skin.
4. Acne Excoriee. This is the type of acne that is caused by skin picking which then spreads the germs on other parts of the body.
5. Acne Fulminans. This is the serious type of acne that is accompanies by flu-like symptoms when the lesions erupt. The sufferer may also experience loss of appetite, skin scaring and high WBC count. Men seem to suffer more from this type of acne.
6. Acne Keloidalis. It is the African race that suffers much from this acne The lesions and inflammations generally appear on the neck.
7. Acne Mallorca. This is the type of acne that is caused by excessive sun exposure.
8. Acne Mechanica. The kind of acne that results from skin irritation caused by exposure of bare skin to various irritants like clothing fabrics and bag straps.
9. Acne Medicametosa. This is the type of acne that occurs as a side effect to medications. There are oral contraceptives that could cause acne too. Anti-psychotic medications and mood stabilizers can also cause acne.
10. Acne Neonatorium or baby acne This is caused by the excessive sebum secretion in children. This results from the transfer of hormones from the mother to the infant.
11. Acne Pomade. This is the kind of acne that results from the skin's irritation to hair products. The irritating ingredients, specifically oils, eventually irritate the forehead causing acne to form.
Knowing what type of acne you have will certainly help in determining the treatment for it. If your acne is caused by irritants like fabrics, hair gels and makeup, you can avoid using the products that cause your acne Your physician can help you determine the cause of your acne and seek proper treatment for it.
The author is an online medical researcher and webmaster of Best Acne Products [] and Natural Acne Treatment. Visit site for related article: "Natural Acne Treatment [] - Olive Leaf Extract". Also, don't forget to download your 70-page Acne eBook for FREE.
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The 11 Kinds of Acne
There are actually different kinds of acne The word is a catch-all term for all types of acne There are general kinds of acne that you might call cystic acne adult acne and so on; but to be really specific and to classify acne according to its causes, the 11 classes are as follow:
1. Acne Cosmetic. This is the acne that is cause by use of cosmetics. The use of cosmetics alone does not cause acne It is actually the kind of cosmetics and the prolonged use of cosmetics that irritates the skin. Your pores react negatively to the ingredients and acne results.
2. Acne Conglobata. This is the type of acne that is largely caused by hereditary factors. If your parents suffered from severe acne you will probably suffer the same. Oftentimes, this type of acne results to severe scarring on the area affected. The unfortunate thing about this acne is that you can hardly do anything about it.
3. Acne Detergents. This acne is caused by soaps, detergents and cleansers which irritate the skin.
4. Acne Excoriee. This is the type of acne that is caused by skin picking which then spreads the germs on other parts of the body.
5. Acne Fulminans. This is the serious type of acne that is accompanies by flu-like symptoms when the lesions erupt. The sufferer may also experience loss of appetite, skin scaring and high WBC count. Men seem to suffer more from this type of acne.
6. Acne Keloidalis. It is the African race that suffers much from this acne The lesions and inflammations generally appear on the neck.
7. Acne Mallorca. This is the type of acne that is caused by excessive sun exposure.
8. Acne Mechanica. The kind of acne that results from skin irritation caused by exposure of bare skin to various irritants like clothing fabrics and bag straps.
9. Acne Medicametosa. This is the type of acne that occurs as a side effect to medications. There are oral contraceptives that could cause acne too. Anti-psychotic medications and mood stabilizers can also cause acne.
10. Acne Neonatorium or baby acne This is caused by the excessive sebum secretion in children. This results from the transfer of hormones from the mother to the infant.
11. Acne Pomade. This is the kind of acne that results from the skin's irritation to hair products. The irritating ingredients, specifically oils, eventually irritate the forehead causing acne to form.
Knowing what type of acne you have will certainly help in determining the treatment for it. If your acne is caused by irritants like fabrics, hair gels and makeup, you can avoid using the products that cause your acne Your physician can help you determine the cause of your acne and seek proper treatment for it.
The author is an online medical researcher and webmaster of Best Acne Products [] and Natural Acne Treatment. Visit site for related article: "Natural Acne Treatment [] - Olive Leaf Extract". Also, don't forget to download your 70-page Acne eBook for FREE.
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Saturday, June 11, 2016
How to Prevent and Treat Acne Scars
Acne sufferers face more than one concern. There is of course the constant nuisance of the acne itself. There is also the anxiety caused by the acne scars and lesions which will render the skin an aesthetic disaster. The reason for this is that most people believe that acne is a temporary situation whereas you are stuck with acne scars for the rest of your life.
Undoubtedly there are numerous acne scar treatments in the market today which work quite well. But the downside is there are some types of acne whose scars cannot be eliminated because they run too deep. Therefore you must ensure that no scars form in the first place because you wouldn't want to take on the emotional and financial burden of dealing with permanent scars.
What we will be discussing here are the many forms of acne scars which exist, the ways to treat them and last but not least, how to prevent them by tackling the internal causes of the condition.
Types of Acne Scars, their causes and their diagnosis
Studies show that severe acne which develops in the deeper layers of the dermis, causing nodules and cysts to form, is what mostly causes acne scars. There are other causes also like infection, cystic acne which works its way deep into the dermis and an overgrowth of skin tissues. Squeezing or popping acne can also cause scars.
It has been seen that, no matter what type of acne they have contracted, some people are more prone to get scarred than others. And occasions arise where the body itself makes a mess of its wound healing process: whether in the process of formation of new capillaries or by improper collagen deposit or in its response to the swelling or anabolic and catabolic phases; errors in any of these healing equations could lead to scarring.
Whatever may be the causes, to avert the possibility of permanent scarring, start treating your acne scars as soon as you can.
Acne scars can be of two varieties: those which come about because of skin tissue loss and those which form because of an increase in skin tissue formation.
Formation of scars because of skin tissue increase
The acne scars which form because of increased skin tissue are usually Keloids scars. Keloids scars, which tend to strike people with dark complexions, emerge when excessive collagen is produced by cells during the healing process. These scars tend to be irregularly shaped and firm and are usually smooth.
Acne scars which emerge due to skin tissue loss:
Acne spots: a discoloration of the skin to brown or red characterizes these acne scars. Acne spots usually fade away with time or with the help of topical scar treatments. Similarly, post inflammatory hyper pigmentation, which often follows acne breakouts, fades away naturally, but to quicken the process you should try MSM.
Ice-pick lesions: the name says it all. Such acne scars resemble ice on which repeated cuts have been made with an ice pick. They usually appear on the cheeks. The scars can be either deep or superficial and are more difficult to get rid of than discoloration scars.
Depressed fibrotic scarring: deep nodules leave behind this type of acne scars. They are white and rigid and are characterized by sharp margins and steep sides.
Atrophic scar macules: Acne scars of this type are small and white and are generally soft and distensible.
Boxcar scars, characterized by vertical edges and round indentations and rolling acne scars which are the result of the surface of the skin getting stuck to the subcutaneous layer are other types of acne scars.
Acne Scars and their treatments
Mostly, acne scars fade away slowly, as do Post inflammatory pigmentations but there are some which resist removal. The only way to smoothen them away is through topical treatment or surgical cosmetic intervention.
Each acne scar needs to be tackled in its special way. There are also scars which require to be treated through a combination of several eradication methods. Very many treatments exist for getting rid of scars and these include: pulsed laser technology, dermabrasion, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, punch techniques, collagen injections and creams.
Collagen injection is a method whereby collagen or fat is injected under the skin. This method is mostly suitable for soft scars, whether they are deep or shallow. However, it has to be kept in mind that this is a short term solution and these injections have to be administered every 6 months. Moreover, collagen injections produce some unpleasant side effects and allergic reactions may also develop.
Microdermabrasion is a scar treatment in which tiny particles are passed through a vacuum tool. The intention is to scrape the external top layer of the skin. The method stimulates and enhances the growth of new cells but is only effective in cases of mild scarring.
Laser resurfacing is a method by which the skin layer is flattened and resurfaced with the help of laser. This is done so that scars become more even with the surface of the skin and are therefore less noticeable. It has been found that newly formed acne scars respond better to laser treatment than do the old ones. However, this process can cause disagreeable side effects such as infection and an unusual reddening of the skin. At times, it can even aggravate the scars.
Punch grafting is a technique which involves the slicing of the acne scar right down to the layer of fat and then stitching it up by using a small skin graft.
Different types of scars have to be treated differently. Let us tell you about the recommended treatments in respect of the various types of acne scars. Alpha lipoic acid acne cream and MSM are excellent for use on post hyper pigmentation marks. Laser resurfacing or dermabrasion are the recommended treatments for ice pick scars. However, these scars do not respond positively to Collagen injections which should only be used on flat or thin scars. The Keloids acne scars can be smoothened with steroid injections, crytotherapy, silicone gel dressing and with pulsed laser treatment combined with carbon dioxide laser vaporization (where there is not too much thickness or too much redness on the keloid scars).
Acne Scar prevention
In the final analysis of course, the cheapest and best way of getting out of the nuisance factor of dealing with acne scars is to rid yourself of the acne condition. And the only sure and permanent way of curing your acne is by putting in place methods which would redress the internal cause of your acne. Conventional medications, topical or over the counter acne treatments or steroids really don't help.
When you are able to correct the deep rooted internal factors that really are the cause of your acne formation, you will automatically be free of any acne scarring and also free of the never ending expenses that you incur in taking treatment for its removal.
You must understand that although acne develops on the surface of the skin, as do the scars that appear as a result of the acne, acne is not a skin problem. It forms because of flaws in your internal balance deep inside. Acne and consequently acne scarring are both caused by problems which are wholly internal.
You yourself can do away with the acne scars and do this even before they form by going to the root of the problem deep inside you. This way you will stop the very process of acne formation and be able to live your life free of acne and consequently, of acne scars as well. It will give an impetus to your existence as you will not be burdened by the emotional load of having to carry disfiguring scars on your face.
Mike Walden is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Acne No More- Open The Door To an Acne Free Life". Mike has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.
To Learn More About Mike Walden's Unique 5-Step Holistic Acne Cure System Visit: Acne Treatment
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Friday, June 10, 2016
How to Beat an Acne Outbreak
Introduction - Acne is a common, in fact, predominant skin disorder that affects all nations, races and genders regardless of their ethnic backgrounds geographical location or environmental conditions. The resulting impact is even more troublesome. According to a recent survey done in US, about 25% of adults and 31% of teens surveyed said that acne sometimes keeps them from participating in social activities. It has been. Today, dermatologists have a consensus that only few people survive their teen years without suffering at least an occasional acne break-out. For many, acne continues into their adult years, causing embarrassment and prompting the sufferer to search the cosmetic counters for means to cover the spots.
Acne statistics for the age - According to general statistics, acne usually starts around puberty and lasts until adulthood, although it can persist for many more years, regardless of age. Similarly, baby acne affects approximately 20% of newborn babies. About 25% of teens will still have acne at age 25. More than 80% of acne sufferers are between the ages of 12 and 24. Acne affects about 90% of adolescents and 20-30% of adults aged 20 to 40 years.
Acne statistics for the gender - Probably because of their frequent hormonal variations and moods swings, women make up 75% of adult cases of acne. Often acne is worst during adolescence and begins to subside during your twenties. But for some people, acne remains throughout adulthood although often in milder form.
Acne statistics for the sites - Acne affects the face in 99% of cases. Other, less affected sites are back, neck, buttocks and even arms. Last but not least, considering that 80% of the population between the age of 12 and 24 years old will be afflicted by acne to one degree or another, acne is a very serious and widespread concern. For many people, acne problems can continue all throughout their life well into adulthood, even though they were told as teens that they would "outgrow" it.
What is Acne? - Acne is an extremely common and distressing condition that affects the skin's oil glands. The small holes in your skin (pores) connect to oil glands under the skin. These glands make an oily substance called sebum. The pores connect to the glands by a canal called a follicle. Inside the follicles, oil carries dead skin cells to the surface of the skin. A thin hair also grows through the follicle and out to the skin. When the follicle of a skin gland clogs up, this is when a pimple develops. Most pimples are found typically on the face, neck, back, chest and shoulders but they can appear literally anywhere. Acne can cause unsightly and in rare cases permanent scarring but it is not life threatening. Acne develops when the hair, sebum and skin cells clump together to form a plug. A bacterium grows in the plug that causes swelling. Then when the plug starts to break down, a pimple grows. Acne is the most common skin disease. Men and women of any age and race can get acne although it is generally believed to be a teenage ailment as it is most common in teenagers and adults. It is estimated that as much as 80% of the population aged between the age of 11 and 30 will experience some form of acne. Even those in the older generation, as old as in their fifties (though less common) can suffer from acne. The sole cause of acne in the first places not established, though people have many theories. To clear up one misconception, diet definitely does not cause acne, although many people believe this to be true. Whether you eat a lot of fatty foods or a lot of chocolate and crisps plays no part in acne although it is true that eating well can only benefit your complexion, acne (in the first instance) is not caused by what you eat.
Doctors and dermatologists believe it could be down to the increase of hormones in puberty which can cause the oil glands to clog and plug up. Older women can have acne due to the hormonal changes when pregnant and those who take the oral contraceptive pill can also suffer acne as a side effect. If any of your immediate family members suffered from acne as well, there is a very good chance you will too as it is hereditary. Some medications, particularly some antibiotics can cause spots and using particularly greasy oil-based cosmetics. Acne can be treated by OTC (Over the counter) topical face washes or creams or in severe cases, a course of antibiotics and/or steroids over a certain period is prescribed depending on the kind of acne you have and the severity. The quicker the acne is treated the lesser the incidence of scarring. Your doctor will be able to advise or refer you to a dermatologist (a skin specialist) who can work with you so you get the best possible treatment. Understanding different stages of acne An easy grading of acne - Based on the degree or the severity of the signs and symptoms produced in acne, the disorder can be categorized into three prominent or main stages or grades as follows:
Mild acne ("whiteheads" and "blackheads") Mils acne, also known as non-inflammatory acne, is caused by a plug of dead skin cells and oil in the canal that contains the hair, under the surface of the skin. Because the plugs are underneath the skin surface, scrubbing will not get rid of them. In fact, rubbing the skin or using harsh or abrasive soaps can irritate the skin and make the acne worse. Mild acne does not usually leave permanent marks on the skin. Moderate to moderately severe acne - This type of acne, also known as inflammatory acne, consists of several whiteheads, blackheads, papules and pustules that cover from top of the face and/or other parts of the body. It can be treated with antibiotic lotions or gels, as well as retinoic acid. Retinoic acid is an altered form of vitamin A. It helps prevent whiteheads and black heads. Your doctor may also prescribe an antibiotic pill, such as erythromycin. If you take birth control pills to prevent pregnancy, antibiotics can affect how well they work. Be sure to use a second method of birth control with the pill, such as a condom. Retinoic acid and antibiotic pills can make the skin sensitive to the sun. So, wear sunscreen and stay in the shade while using them.
Severe acne Severe acne is rare and consists of a mixture of both inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne has all types of lesions including severe inflammatory lesions (markedly reddened pustules) and possibly cystic lesions (lesions over 0.5 cm in diameter with a soft top that are losing their inflammation). It is most common to have a mixture of lesions at any one time. You should see a dermatologist to care for this type of acne. Scarring can be prevented with appropriate treatments. Topical treatment alone will not be effective at treating severe inflammatory acne because it cannot penetrate deep enough through the skin's surface to treat the severely inflamed nodules and cysts. "You're About To Learn How To Look Better,Feel Better,and have A Renewed Sense of Self-Esteem - By Clearing Your Acne Permanently In As Little As 3 Days.Severe acne requires systemic treatment (medicine taken orally). Systemic therapies cause distribution of the drug throughout the entire organism. Your dermatologist can prescribe oral antibiotics and oral contraceptives. Large inflamed cysts can be treated with an injection of a drug that lessens the redness, swelling, and irritation, and promotes healing.
Acne & Female connection! Why pimples love women when they don't love to have them? Did you know that most young women and men will have at least a few pimples over the course of their lives? However, interestingly enough, acne seems to affect men and women in different ways. Young men are more likely to have a more serious form of acne. Acne in young women tends to be more random and linked to hormone changes, such as the menstrual cycle. As women get older, acne often gets better. But some women have acne for many years. Some women even get acne for the first time at age 30 or 40. For many women, acne can be an upsetting illness. Women may have feelings of depression, poor body image, or low self-esteem. But you don't have to wait to outgrow acne or to let it run its course. Today, almost every case of acne can be resolved. Acne also can, sometimes, be prevented. Talk with your doctor or dermatologist (a doctor who specializes in skin diseases).
Factors that trigger acne in women - Several factors, alone or combined, can trigger acne attacks in women such as:
Hormonal changes (puberty): - Remember, during puberty, girls have an increase in male sex hormones called androgens. This increase causes the skin glands to get larger and make more sebum (oily secretion of your skin). Menstrual cycle: - The menstrual cycle is one of the most common acne triggers. Acne lesions tend to form a few days before the cycle begins and go away after the cycle is completed. Other hormone changes, such as pregnancy and menopause, improve acne in some women. But some women have worse acne during these times.
Medications: - Certain medicines, such as those used to treat epilepsy and types of depression can aggravate acne in women. Stopping use of birth control pills can play a role as well.
Make-up: - While not a real "cause" of the acne itself, wearing oil-based make up on frequent basis can trigger acne flare ups in women.
Skin pressure or friction: Friction caused by bike helmets or backpacks can make acne worse.
Family history: - Those women who have / had other people in their families with a history of acne, there is a greater chance they will have it too.
Does poor hygiene of women cause acne? It is a myth that women get acne because they do not wash enough. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Too much washing or scrubbing the skin harshly can make acne worse. And washing away surface oils does not do much to prevent or cure acne, because it forms under the skin. The best way to clean the face is to gently wash it, just twice a day with a mild soap or cleanser. Be careful to remove make-up without harsh scrubbing.
Can eating chocolate or greasy foods cause acne in women?
While many women feel that eating chocolate or greasy foods can cause acne, experts have not found a link between the diet and acne.
Simple hints & tips to prevent & treat acne and acne scars Take care: You can help prevent acne flare-ups and scars by taking good care of your skin.
Clean gently: Clean your skin gently with a mild soap or cleanser twice a day once in the morning and once at night. You should also gently clean the skin after heavy exercise.
Avoid friction: - Avoid strong soaps and rough scrub pads Wash thoroughly but not frequently: - Wash your entire face from under the jaw to the hairline and rinse thoroughly.
Make up removal: - Remove make-up gently with a mild soap and water. - Top 5 myths on what causes acne - Fact versus fiction... When it comes to explaining acne to adolescents and some adults, it is necessary to separate fact from fiction, because having acne can tax a person's nerves and send him off to an emotional roller-coaster. The teenage years are a great time to meet new friends and start dating and be accepted by one's peers; being misinformed about acne is due to certain myths. Following are some of the most common myths associated with the "causes of acne" today:
First myth: Eating too much chocolate will cause acne Reality: Chocolate does not cause acne or make it worse. Even the most renowned doctors will insist, and can prove, that there is no direct link between chocolate and acne. However, even if there is no direct link between the two, you must still adhere to a healthy lifestyle that decreases the amount of sweets, salts and fat from your diet. Ensure you consume foods that are rich in nutrients, especially vitamin A.
Second myth: Dirt will cause acne Reality: - This is a myth that is widely held but while it is certainly important to keep the skin always clean because oil and dirt can block pores, dirt does NOT bring about the clumping together of skin cells against the follicle wall. This phenomenon occurs very deep in the skin where cleaning won't reach it.
Third myth: Acne has something to do with sex Reality: - Some adolescents actually believe that once they're married or give birth to their first child, their acne will disappear. A variation of this myth is the other side of the argument: that an active sex life causes acne. This link was made only because adolescence is that period in a person's life when sex is of great concern. This particular myth became less popular in the 1940's when the medical community finally declared that sexual activity and acne are not related.
Fourth myth: Hot climate causes acne Reality: - Some people think that people who live in cold climates are less likely to get acne, while those who live in the tropics are more prone to it. There is no link between where one lives and the incidence of acne. Nor is the color of one's skin a precursor of acne, although it has been observed that dark-skinned people tend to have less severe acne compared to light-skinned individuals. Larger glands and more defined pores are common characteristics of dark skin, and these two attributes are known to protect against acne. Note though that hyper-pigmentation tends to occur more frequently with dark skin after acne is cured, so care must be taken to not irritate dark skin after a bout with acne.
Fifth myth: First time shavers will get acne Reality: When a boy reaches the age of puberty, one of the first signs is hair on the face, especially above the lip and on the chin. The hairs are at first sparse but over time, a beard and a moustache appear, making boys want to shave them. After the initial shave, the hair grows back, this time thicker. As the hair grows back after each shave, it grows thicker and is denser resulting in repetitive shaving. Frequent shaving can cause the skin to dry out, because as more hair grows, the shaving becomes more frequent and more forceful. Some of these hairs could turn inward and grow internally which can cause acne. The inside growth, combined with the production of oil in the sebaceous glands can result in frequent skin breakouts. The myth that shaving causes acne is indeed a myth, but it is true that shaving too often and too close to the hair follicles may contribute to the growth of acne.
Unveiling top 5 acne myths Differentiating between fact & fiction... - Like many other common disorders and diseases, there have been several myths and unrealistic assumptions associated with acne. The main cause of the formation and spread of these myths is lack of proper understanding of the disorder, little or no knowledge about the development of disease and unnecessary delay in diagnosis and treatment of acne. The following article attempts to explain some of the common acne-related myths and also throws light on the actual reality behind each of these myths.
Myth 1: Acne is caused by poor hygiene or washing Fact: Acne is not caused by poor hygiene, sweating, or not washing. These factors do not cause the clogged pores that contribute to acne development. While medicated washes containing benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur are one form of treatment for acne, simple soap and water does not treat the condition.
Myth 2: Acne is caused by diet Fact: - Acne is not caused by diet. No scientific connection has been found between diet and acne. No food, not chocolate, fries, pizza, or any other food, has been shown to actually "cause" acne. However, diet can play an important role in lessening or aggravating the intensity of the disease.
Myth 3: There is no treatment or cure for acne Fact: - Acne does not need to be allowed to run its course. The condition can be treated as there are prescription medications and over-the-counter (OTC) products (although medicines are never free of side effects) for it. There have been also some natural or herbal treatments for acne that have, to date, no reported side effect.
Myth 4: I can prevent acne from washing my face more often Fact: No. You cannot prevent acne from washing my face more often. Dirt does not cause acne. It is the overproduction of oil (sebum) from within the skin rather than the surface oil/dirt that leads to acne.
Myth 5: Squeezing a pimple may help me get rid of those notorious pimples Fact: Absolutely not. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Squeezing a pimple may cause the contents of the follicle to rupture into the tissue rather than being expressed to the surface of the skin. This can cause tissue damage and scarring. Sometimes a medical provider will open a pimple or cyst with a special instrument designed not to damage the tissue, but you should avoid squeezing or picking pimples.
Rediscovering Vitamin E... An efficient & essential ingredient of Clear Skin Max An introduction to Tocopherol acetate (Vitamin E) Tocopherol is the scientific name for vitamin E. Tocopherol acetate is a lipid-soluble version of vitamin E. Natural vitamin E is used as a powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger. One of nature's most dynamic moisturizers, it also aids cellular renewal of the skin. Therefore, to date, vitamin E has been tried for the treatment of almost every type of skin lesion (problem) imaginable. For the same reason, many doctors and dermatologists lay people use vitamin E on a regular basis to improve the outcome of scars and several physicians recommend topical (locally applied) vitamin E after skin surgery or resurfacing.
What is vitamin E? - Vitamin E is considered as one of the most important oil-soluble anti-oxidant and free radical scavenger. It is also a photo-protector, protecting cellular membrane from free-radical damage.
Some basic skin-related functions of vitamin E-
Vitamin E is one of the best known antioxidants found in the human body. It means that its key biological function is to protect lipids from oxidation and free radical damage. Therefore, it basically serves a preservative function due to its ability to protect against oxidation.
Vitamin E counts among the vitamins that protect the skin and the mucous membranes.
It improves trans-epidermal water loss, thereby improving the appearance of rough, dry and damaged skin.
It also helps to maintain connective tissue.
Vitamin E seals the connective tissue and the vascular walls, makes wounds heal quickly and keeps the skin elastic and smooth.
Vitamin E also prevents aging of the skin.
It prevents irritation due to sun exposure. If applied before sun exposure, it acts protective against epidermal cell damage caused by inflammation.
It also counteracts increased functioning of the sebaceous glands (as is the case in acne) and reduces excessive skin pigmentation.
What Causes Pimples? There are many factors that cause pimples/acne and it varies in its severity. Stress can cause flare ups in some, side effects of certain medications, even allergies. A bout of acne can be short lived or it can persist for several months or several years. Some people will only get very mild pimples, others will get very severe acne although this is thought to run in the family, so if acne or pimples have occurred in your family It is likely you will suffer from a few in your lifetime. Many things can irritate or make acne flare up but pimples are caused from when the hair follicles in your pores in your skin get blocked and the sebaceous gland produces an excessive amount of oil. Although no one is totally sure why acne occurs, it is believed it can be a result of the following: -
Bacteria accumulating in the sebaceous glands
A collection of dead skin cells
Overactive sebaceous glands producing too much oil due to hormone fluctuations
Using oily make up, such as greasy foundations and overly thick moisturisers
The sebaceous gland gets clogged when the oil (otherwise known as sebum) cannot leave the open pore so turns into an obstruction. The skin around the pore can swell and a white plug formed of dead cells of oil can form, this is what is what is known as a whitehead. If the plug does not fully close the pore you get a black appearance which is called a blackhead. Pimples can become infected when the whiteheads rupture underneath the skin's top layer. This allows the dead cells, bacteria and oil to seep into the surrounding tissue. If this outbreak is very widespread and severe, you could develop an infection called cystic acne which is very large, unsightly and painful red bumps Even if the boils disappear you could be left with permanent scarring. Prompt treatment of this is essential to minimise the possibility of permanent scarring so visit your doctor as soon as possible. It is important to remember that anyone can suffer from spots at any time even after treatment but will be a lot less severe.
Your skin at glance What, where & why? Introduction - Your skin is the largest and one of the most important organs of your body which performs some essential functions such as protection, hydration, sensation and temperature regulation. The internal structure of your skin, however, is even more interesting. Let's discover some of the main structural features of your own skin:
Layers of skin - Your skin is composed of two main layers, the epidermis and dermis, that both rest on the subcutaneous (underlying) tissues.
Epidermis: - It is the outer (or uppermost) layer of the skin and is made up of outer dead skin cells and deeper living cells. The melanocyte (special cells) within the epidermis produces melanin giving color to the skin and helps protect it from ultraviolet light Dermis: - The dermis is found beneath the epidermis and makes up bulk (90 percent) of your skin. Subcutaneous layer: - The epidermis and dermis sit on the subcutaneous (subcutaneous = beneath the skin) layers, composed largely of fat, through which the blood vessels and nerves run. The roots of the oil and sweat glands are located here. Glands of skin - There are two main types of glands in your skin: Sebaceous oil glands: - These are distributed throughout the skin but are mostly concentrated in the scalp, face, mid-chest, and genitals. They are attached to the hair follicles and secrete an oily substance (sebum) that lubricates and protects the skin. Sweat glands: - These glands are distributed throughout the body but their greatest number is found in the palms, soles of the feet, forehead, and underarms. They secrete at times of stress, emotion, or in the presence of a warmer environment.
Special structures of skin Hair: - Each hair grows from a single follicle that has its roots in the subcutaneous tissue] of the skin. The oil glands next to hair follicles provide gloss and, to some degree, waterproofing of the hair. Hair also contains melanin. The number of melanin granules in the hair determines its color. Malnutrition can cause damage to the hair.
Fingernails and toenails: - These are part of the epidermis and are composed of the protein, keratin. Each nail grows outward from a nail root that extends back into the groove of the skin. With malnutrition, after an injury, or chemotherapy, the nail formation is impaired.
Types of skin - Depending on your family (heredity), your genetic make-up and your lifestyle, you skin can be of one of the following types:
Oily skin: - Oily skin is caused by over activity of the sebaceous glands. Oily skin is thick with large pores and has a greater tendency to develop acne, but not wrinkles. Most people, who have oily skin, also have oily hair.
Dry skin: - Dry skin is caused by under activity of the sebaceous glands, environmental conditions, or normal aging. Dry skin is usually thinner and more easily irritated. There is a greater tendency to develop wrinkles, but not acne.
Balanced Skin: - Balanced skin is neither oily nor dry. It is smooth and has fine texture with few problems. However, it has a tendency to become dry as a result of environmental factors and aging
Combination Skin: - Combination skin consists of oily regions, often on the forehead and around the nose, and regions that are balanced or dry.
The best criteria to choose Acne skin products Top 5 hints and tips... When it comes to an effective treatment for your acne, you want a product that will really work and that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. However, because of the intense market clutter, finding the anti acne skin care product may seem like an impossible task. The following hints and tips would serve as your easy, at-a-glance guide to help you make your mind while choosing among different skin care products that are used to treat acne.
Is it recommended? - The FDA's new good manufacturing practices ruling, for example, attempts to ensure that the natural or herbal supplements: -
Are produced in a quality manner and meet all the recommended safety standards
Are free of all the contaminants or impurities
Are accurately labeled as per the recommended guidelines
Therefore, you should choose an acne-care supplement according to the same FDA-recommended guidelines.
Is it clinically backed? Remember, this is an era of evidence-based medicine and you are supposed to consider evidences, pure facts and real testimonials, not claims. Accordingly, go for a complete, multi-component anti acne supplement that contains ingredients which are clinically backed by a number of trials and studies and have been recommended by full-fledged health experts and physicians for a non-prescription use.
Is it fully compliant? Compliance of a medicine or some specific product can be defined as its suitability to most of the people taking it without causing any significant undesirable side effects. The most effective skin care system for people with acne should, therefore, be considered as highly suitable and compliant for people of almost age groups and genders. In other words, it should be capable of giving best and fast results in young adults, middle aged and elderly men and women equally.
Is it safe? It is quite logical and understandable that ideally, an anti-acne supplement or program should be free of the typical "allopathic" medications' side effects. You should, therefore, do your research when planning to take any kind of such skin care supplements or systems. A simple of way of doing this is read the authentic testimonials, and see if the product has been approved by some major international and credible authority on health. Similarly, user compliance and tolerance is another important issue to be considered while choosing skin care program or multi-component system to cure acne.
Is it affordable & economical? Any skin care system or product for people with acne cannot be considered as a top one until and unless it takes good care of your pocket because of its accessibility and affordability. Accordingly, you should choose a product that offers the best value for money i.e. gives you more for less.
Conclusion - While you can find many brands of both natural or herbal and over the counter anti acne skin care creams, lotions, supplements and oils, there are hardly few which even work and come any close to whatever they promise. Most importantly, even the most frequently bought and used products have their own share of undesirable effects and unwanted interactions within the body. The key here is, therefore, to select the safest and yet more effective natural skin care system that will comprise of multiple components and will, therefore, address the acne problem on multiple levels.
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Acne statistics for the age - According to general statistics, acne usually starts around puberty and lasts until adulthood, although it can persist for many more years, regardless of age. Similarly, baby acne affects approximately 20% of newborn babies. About 25% of teens will still have acne at age 25. More than 80% of acne sufferers are between the ages of 12 and 24. Acne affects about 90% of adolescents and 20-30% of adults aged 20 to 40 years.
Acne statistics for the gender - Probably because of their frequent hormonal variations and moods swings, women make up 75% of adult cases of acne. Often acne is worst during adolescence and begins to subside during your twenties. But for some people, acne remains throughout adulthood although often in milder form.
Acne statistics for the sites - Acne affects the face in 99% of cases. Other, less affected sites are back, neck, buttocks and even arms. Last but not least, considering that 80% of the population between the age of 12 and 24 years old will be afflicted by acne to one degree or another, acne is a very serious and widespread concern. For many people, acne problems can continue all throughout their life well into adulthood, even though they were told as teens that they would "outgrow" it.
What is Acne? - Acne is an extremely common and distressing condition that affects the skin's oil glands. The small holes in your skin (pores) connect to oil glands under the skin. These glands make an oily substance called sebum. The pores connect to the glands by a canal called a follicle. Inside the follicles, oil carries dead skin cells to the surface of the skin. A thin hair also grows through the follicle and out to the skin. When the follicle of a skin gland clogs up, this is when a pimple develops. Most pimples are found typically on the face, neck, back, chest and shoulders but they can appear literally anywhere. Acne can cause unsightly and in rare cases permanent scarring but it is not life threatening. Acne develops when the hair, sebum and skin cells clump together to form a plug. A bacterium grows in the plug that causes swelling. Then when the plug starts to break down, a pimple grows. Acne is the most common skin disease. Men and women of any age and race can get acne although it is generally believed to be a teenage ailment as it is most common in teenagers and adults. It is estimated that as much as 80% of the population aged between the age of 11 and 30 will experience some form of acne. Even those in the older generation, as old as in their fifties (though less common) can suffer from acne. The sole cause of acne in the first places not established, though people have many theories. To clear up one misconception, diet definitely does not cause acne, although many people believe this to be true. Whether you eat a lot of fatty foods or a lot of chocolate and crisps plays no part in acne although it is true that eating well can only benefit your complexion, acne (in the first instance) is not caused by what you eat.
Doctors and dermatologists believe it could be down to the increase of hormones in puberty which can cause the oil glands to clog and plug up. Older women can have acne due to the hormonal changes when pregnant and those who take the oral contraceptive pill can also suffer acne as a side effect. If any of your immediate family members suffered from acne as well, there is a very good chance you will too as it is hereditary. Some medications, particularly some antibiotics can cause spots and using particularly greasy oil-based cosmetics. Acne can be treated by OTC (Over the counter) topical face washes or creams or in severe cases, a course of antibiotics and/or steroids over a certain period is prescribed depending on the kind of acne you have and the severity. The quicker the acne is treated the lesser the incidence of scarring. Your doctor will be able to advise or refer you to a dermatologist (a skin specialist) who can work with you so you get the best possible treatment. Understanding different stages of acne An easy grading of acne - Based on the degree or the severity of the signs and symptoms produced in acne, the disorder can be categorized into three prominent or main stages or grades as follows:
Mild acne ("whiteheads" and "blackheads") Mils acne, also known as non-inflammatory acne, is caused by a plug of dead skin cells and oil in the canal that contains the hair, under the surface of the skin. Because the plugs are underneath the skin surface, scrubbing will not get rid of them. In fact, rubbing the skin or using harsh or abrasive soaps can irritate the skin and make the acne worse. Mild acne does not usually leave permanent marks on the skin. Moderate to moderately severe acne - This type of acne, also known as inflammatory acne, consists of several whiteheads, blackheads, papules and pustules that cover from top of the face and/or other parts of the body. It can be treated with antibiotic lotions or gels, as well as retinoic acid. Retinoic acid is an altered form of vitamin A. It helps prevent whiteheads and black heads. Your doctor may also prescribe an antibiotic pill, such as erythromycin. If you take birth control pills to prevent pregnancy, antibiotics can affect how well they work. Be sure to use a second method of birth control with the pill, such as a condom. Retinoic acid and antibiotic pills can make the skin sensitive to the sun. So, wear sunscreen and stay in the shade while using them.
Severe acne Severe acne is rare and consists of a mixture of both inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne has all types of lesions including severe inflammatory lesions (markedly reddened pustules) and possibly cystic lesions (lesions over 0.5 cm in diameter with a soft top that are losing their inflammation). It is most common to have a mixture of lesions at any one time. You should see a dermatologist to care for this type of acne. Scarring can be prevented with appropriate treatments. Topical treatment alone will not be effective at treating severe inflammatory acne because it cannot penetrate deep enough through the skin's surface to treat the severely inflamed nodules and cysts. "You're About To Learn How To Look Better,Feel Better,and have A Renewed Sense of Self-Esteem - By Clearing Your Acne Permanently In As Little As 3 Days.Severe acne requires systemic treatment (medicine taken orally). Systemic therapies cause distribution of the drug throughout the entire organism. Your dermatologist can prescribe oral antibiotics and oral contraceptives. Large inflamed cysts can be treated with an injection of a drug that lessens the redness, swelling, and irritation, and promotes healing.
Acne & Female connection! Why pimples love women when they don't love to have them? Did you know that most young women and men will have at least a few pimples over the course of their lives? However, interestingly enough, acne seems to affect men and women in different ways. Young men are more likely to have a more serious form of acne. Acne in young women tends to be more random and linked to hormone changes, such as the menstrual cycle. As women get older, acne often gets better. But some women have acne for many years. Some women even get acne for the first time at age 30 or 40. For many women, acne can be an upsetting illness. Women may have feelings of depression, poor body image, or low self-esteem. But you don't have to wait to outgrow acne or to let it run its course. Today, almost every case of acne can be resolved. Acne also can, sometimes, be prevented. Talk with your doctor or dermatologist (a doctor who specializes in skin diseases).
Factors that trigger acne in women - Several factors, alone or combined, can trigger acne attacks in women such as:
Hormonal changes (puberty): - Remember, during puberty, girls have an increase in male sex hormones called androgens. This increase causes the skin glands to get larger and make more sebum (oily secretion of your skin). Menstrual cycle: - The menstrual cycle is one of the most common acne triggers. Acne lesions tend to form a few days before the cycle begins and go away after the cycle is completed. Other hormone changes, such as pregnancy and menopause, improve acne in some women. But some women have worse acne during these times.
Medications: - Certain medicines, such as those used to treat epilepsy and types of depression can aggravate acne in women. Stopping use of birth control pills can play a role as well.
Make-up: - While not a real "cause" of the acne itself, wearing oil-based make up on frequent basis can trigger acne flare ups in women.
Skin pressure or friction: Friction caused by bike helmets or backpacks can make acne worse.
Family history: - Those women who have / had other people in their families with a history of acne, there is a greater chance they will have it too.
Does poor hygiene of women cause acne? It is a myth that women get acne because they do not wash enough. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Too much washing or scrubbing the skin harshly can make acne worse. And washing away surface oils does not do much to prevent or cure acne, because it forms under the skin. The best way to clean the face is to gently wash it, just twice a day with a mild soap or cleanser. Be careful to remove make-up without harsh scrubbing.
Can eating chocolate or greasy foods cause acne in women?
While many women feel that eating chocolate or greasy foods can cause acne, experts have not found a link between the diet and acne.
Simple hints & tips to prevent & treat acne and acne scars Take care: You can help prevent acne flare-ups and scars by taking good care of your skin.
Clean gently: Clean your skin gently with a mild soap or cleanser twice a day once in the morning and once at night. You should also gently clean the skin after heavy exercise.
Avoid friction: - Avoid strong soaps and rough scrub pads Wash thoroughly but not frequently: - Wash your entire face from under the jaw to the hairline and rinse thoroughly.
Make up removal: - Remove make-up gently with a mild soap and water. - Top 5 myths on what causes acne - Fact versus fiction... When it comes to explaining acne to adolescents and some adults, it is necessary to separate fact from fiction, because having acne can tax a person's nerves and send him off to an emotional roller-coaster. The teenage years are a great time to meet new friends and start dating and be accepted by one's peers; being misinformed about acne is due to certain myths. Following are some of the most common myths associated with the "causes of acne" today:
First myth: Eating too much chocolate will cause acne Reality: Chocolate does not cause acne or make it worse. Even the most renowned doctors will insist, and can prove, that there is no direct link between chocolate and acne. However, even if there is no direct link between the two, you must still adhere to a healthy lifestyle that decreases the amount of sweets, salts and fat from your diet. Ensure you consume foods that are rich in nutrients, especially vitamin A.
Second myth: Dirt will cause acne Reality: - This is a myth that is widely held but while it is certainly important to keep the skin always clean because oil and dirt can block pores, dirt does NOT bring about the clumping together of skin cells against the follicle wall. This phenomenon occurs very deep in the skin where cleaning won't reach it.
Third myth: Acne has something to do with sex Reality: - Some adolescents actually believe that once they're married or give birth to their first child, their acne will disappear. A variation of this myth is the other side of the argument: that an active sex life causes acne. This link was made only because adolescence is that period in a person's life when sex is of great concern. This particular myth became less popular in the 1940's when the medical community finally declared that sexual activity and acne are not related.
Fourth myth: Hot climate causes acne Reality: - Some people think that people who live in cold climates are less likely to get acne, while those who live in the tropics are more prone to it. There is no link between where one lives and the incidence of acne. Nor is the color of one's skin a precursor of acne, although it has been observed that dark-skinned people tend to have less severe acne compared to light-skinned individuals. Larger glands and more defined pores are common characteristics of dark skin, and these two attributes are known to protect against acne. Note though that hyper-pigmentation tends to occur more frequently with dark skin after acne is cured, so care must be taken to not irritate dark skin after a bout with acne.
Fifth myth: First time shavers will get acne Reality: When a boy reaches the age of puberty, one of the first signs is hair on the face, especially above the lip and on the chin. The hairs are at first sparse but over time, a beard and a moustache appear, making boys want to shave them. After the initial shave, the hair grows back, this time thicker. As the hair grows back after each shave, it grows thicker and is denser resulting in repetitive shaving. Frequent shaving can cause the skin to dry out, because as more hair grows, the shaving becomes more frequent and more forceful. Some of these hairs could turn inward and grow internally which can cause acne. The inside growth, combined with the production of oil in the sebaceous glands can result in frequent skin breakouts. The myth that shaving causes acne is indeed a myth, but it is true that shaving too often and too close to the hair follicles may contribute to the growth of acne.
Unveiling top 5 acne myths Differentiating between fact & fiction... - Like many other common disorders and diseases, there have been several myths and unrealistic assumptions associated with acne. The main cause of the formation and spread of these myths is lack of proper understanding of the disorder, little or no knowledge about the development of disease and unnecessary delay in diagnosis and treatment of acne. The following article attempts to explain some of the common acne-related myths and also throws light on the actual reality behind each of these myths.
Myth 1: Acne is caused by poor hygiene or washing Fact: Acne is not caused by poor hygiene, sweating, or not washing. These factors do not cause the clogged pores that contribute to acne development. While medicated washes containing benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur are one form of treatment for acne, simple soap and water does not treat the condition.
Myth 2: Acne is caused by diet Fact: - Acne is not caused by diet. No scientific connection has been found between diet and acne. No food, not chocolate, fries, pizza, or any other food, has been shown to actually "cause" acne. However, diet can play an important role in lessening or aggravating the intensity of the disease.
Myth 3: There is no treatment or cure for acne Fact: - Acne does not need to be allowed to run its course. The condition can be treated as there are prescription medications and over-the-counter (OTC) products (although medicines are never free of side effects) for it. There have been also some natural or herbal treatments for acne that have, to date, no reported side effect.
Myth 4: I can prevent acne from washing my face more often Fact: No. You cannot prevent acne from washing my face more often. Dirt does not cause acne. It is the overproduction of oil (sebum) from within the skin rather than the surface oil/dirt that leads to acne.
Myth 5: Squeezing a pimple may help me get rid of those notorious pimples Fact: Absolutely not. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Squeezing a pimple may cause the contents of the follicle to rupture into the tissue rather than being expressed to the surface of the skin. This can cause tissue damage and scarring. Sometimes a medical provider will open a pimple or cyst with a special instrument designed not to damage the tissue, but you should avoid squeezing or picking pimples.
Rediscovering Vitamin E... An efficient & essential ingredient of Clear Skin Max An introduction to Tocopherol acetate (Vitamin E) Tocopherol is the scientific name for vitamin E. Tocopherol acetate is a lipid-soluble version of vitamin E. Natural vitamin E is used as a powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger. One of nature's most dynamic moisturizers, it also aids cellular renewal of the skin. Therefore, to date, vitamin E has been tried for the treatment of almost every type of skin lesion (problem) imaginable. For the same reason, many doctors and dermatologists lay people use vitamin E on a regular basis to improve the outcome of scars and several physicians recommend topical (locally applied) vitamin E after skin surgery or resurfacing.
What is vitamin E? - Vitamin E is considered as one of the most important oil-soluble anti-oxidant and free radical scavenger. It is also a photo-protector, protecting cellular membrane from free-radical damage.
Some basic skin-related functions of vitamin E-
Vitamin E is one of the best known antioxidants found in the human body. It means that its key biological function is to protect lipids from oxidation and free radical damage. Therefore, it basically serves a preservative function due to its ability to protect against oxidation.
Vitamin E counts among the vitamins that protect the skin and the mucous membranes.
It improves trans-epidermal water loss, thereby improving the appearance of rough, dry and damaged skin.
It also helps to maintain connective tissue.
Vitamin E seals the connective tissue and the vascular walls, makes wounds heal quickly and keeps the skin elastic and smooth.
Vitamin E also prevents aging of the skin.
It prevents irritation due to sun exposure. If applied before sun exposure, it acts protective against epidermal cell damage caused by inflammation.
It also counteracts increased functioning of the sebaceous glands (as is the case in acne) and reduces excessive skin pigmentation.
What Causes Pimples? There are many factors that cause pimples/acne and it varies in its severity. Stress can cause flare ups in some, side effects of certain medications, even allergies. A bout of acne can be short lived or it can persist for several months or several years. Some people will only get very mild pimples, others will get very severe acne although this is thought to run in the family, so if acne or pimples have occurred in your family It is likely you will suffer from a few in your lifetime. Many things can irritate or make acne flare up but pimples are caused from when the hair follicles in your pores in your skin get blocked and the sebaceous gland produces an excessive amount of oil. Although no one is totally sure why acne occurs, it is believed it can be a result of the following: -
Bacteria accumulating in the sebaceous glands
A collection of dead skin cells
Overactive sebaceous glands producing too much oil due to hormone fluctuations
Using oily make up, such as greasy foundations and overly thick moisturisers
The sebaceous gland gets clogged when the oil (otherwise known as sebum) cannot leave the open pore so turns into an obstruction. The skin around the pore can swell and a white plug formed of dead cells of oil can form, this is what is what is known as a whitehead. If the plug does not fully close the pore you get a black appearance which is called a blackhead. Pimples can become infected when the whiteheads rupture underneath the skin's top layer. This allows the dead cells, bacteria and oil to seep into the surrounding tissue. If this outbreak is very widespread and severe, you could develop an infection called cystic acne which is very large, unsightly and painful red bumps Even if the boils disappear you could be left with permanent scarring. Prompt treatment of this is essential to minimise the possibility of permanent scarring so visit your doctor as soon as possible. It is important to remember that anyone can suffer from spots at any time even after treatment but will be a lot less severe.
Your skin at glance What, where & why? Introduction - Your skin is the largest and one of the most important organs of your body which performs some essential functions such as protection, hydration, sensation and temperature regulation. The internal structure of your skin, however, is even more interesting. Let's discover some of the main structural features of your own skin:
Layers of skin - Your skin is composed of two main layers, the epidermis and dermis, that both rest on the subcutaneous (underlying) tissues.
Epidermis: - It is the outer (or uppermost) layer of the skin and is made up of outer dead skin cells and deeper living cells. The melanocyte (special cells) within the epidermis produces melanin giving color to the skin and helps protect it from ultraviolet light Dermis: - The dermis is found beneath the epidermis and makes up bulk (90 percent) of your skin. Subcutaneous layer: - The epidermis and dermis sit on the subcutaneous (subcutaneous = beneath the skin) layers, composed largely of fat, through which the blood vessels and nerves run. The roots of the oil and sweat glands are located here. Glands of skin - There are two main types of glands in your skin: Sebaceous oil glands: - These are distributed throughout the skin but are mostly concentrated in the scalp, face, mid-chest, and genitals. They are attached to the hair follicles and secrete an oily substance (sebum) that lubricates and protects the skin. Sweat glands: - These glands are distributed throughout the body but their greatest number is found in the palms, soles of the feet, forehead, and underarms. They secrete at times of stress, emotion, or in the presence of a warmer environment.
Special structures of skin Hair: - Each hair grows from a single follicle that has its roots in the subcutaneous tissue] of the skin. The oil glands next to hair follicles provide gloss and, to some degree, waterproofing of the hair. Hair also contains melanin. The number of melanin granules in the hair determines its color. Malnutrition can cause damage to the hair.
Fingernails and toenails: - These are part of the epidermis and are composed of the protein, keratin. Each nail grows outward from a nail root that extends back into the groove of the skin. With malnutrition, after an injury, or chemotherapy, the nail formation is impaired.
Types of skin - Depending on your family (heredity), your genetic make-up and your lifestyle, you skin can be of one of the following types:
Oily skin: - Oily skin is caused by over activity of the sebaceous glands. Oily skin is thick with large pores and has a greater tendency to develop acne, but not wrinkles. Most people, who have oily skin, also have oily hair.
Dry skin: - Dry skin is caused by under activity of the sebaceous glands, environmental conditions, or normal aging. Dry skin is usually thinner and more easily irritated. There is a greater tendency to develop wrinkles, but not acne.
Balanced Skin: - Balanced skin is neither oily nor dry. It is smooth and has fine texture with few problems. However, it has a tendency to become dry as a result of environmental factors and aging
Combination Skin: - Combination skin consists of oily regions, often on the forehead and around the nose, and regions that are balanced or dry.
The best criteria to choose Acne skin products Top 5 hints and tips... When it comes to an effective treatment for your acne, you want a product that will really work and that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. However, because of the intense market clutter, finding the anti acne skin care product may seem like an impossible task. The following hints and tips would serve as your easy, at-a-glance guide to help you make your mind while choosing among different skin care products that are used to treat acne.
Is it recommended? - The FDA's new good manufacturing practices ruling, for example, attempts to ensure that the natural or herbal supplements: -
Are produced in a quality manner and meet all the recommended safety standards
Are free of all the contaminants or impurities
Are accurately labeled as per the recommended guidelines
Therefore, you should choose an acne-care supplement according to the same FDA-recommended guidelines.
Is it clinically backed? Remember, this is an era of evidence-based medicine and you are supposed to consider evidences, pure facts and real testimonials, not claims. Accordingly, go for a complete, multi-component anti acne supplement that contains ingredients which are clinically backed by a number of trials and studies and have been recommended by full-fledged health experts and physicians for a non-prescription use.
Is it fully compliant? Compliance of a medicine or some specific product can be defined as its suitability to most of the people taking it without causing any significant undesirable side effects. The most effective skin care system for people with acne should, therefore, be considered as highly suitable and compliant for people of almost age groups and genders. In other words, it should be capable of giving best and fast results in young adults, middle aged and elderly men and women equally.
Is it safe? It is quite logical and understandable that ideally, an anti-acne supplement or program should be free of the typical "allopathic" medications' side effects. You should, therefore, do your research when planning to take any kind of such skin care supplements or systems. A simple of way of doing this is read the authentic testimonials, and see if the product has been approved by some major international and credible authority on health. Similarly, user compliance and tolerance is another important issue to be considered while choosing skin care program or multi-component system to cure acne.
Is it affordable & economical? Any skin care system or product for people with acne cannot be considered as a top one until and unless it takes good care of your pocket because of its accessibility and affordability. Accordingly, you should choose a product that offers the best value for money i.e. gives you more for less.
Conclusion - While you can find many brands of both natural or herbal and over the counter anti acne skin care creams, lotions, supplements and oils, there are hardly few which even work and come any close to whatever they promise. Most importantly, even the most frequently bought and used products have their own share of undesirable effects and unwanted interactions within the body. The key here is, therefore, to select the safest and yet more effective natural skin care system that will comprise of multiple components and will, therefore, address the acne problem on multiple levels.
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Sunday, June 5, 2016
Introduction to Acne Problems
What is Acne?
Acne (acne vulagaris) is a common skin disorder that affects nearly 100 million people worldwide. Regardless of age, acne is commonly found in adolescents undergoing puberty as the new hair follicles tend to get clogged beneath the surface of the skin. This certainly does not rule out acne affecting women and men likewise, as many people of all age groups and skin types suffer symptoms of acne globally.
Some forms of acne are often mistaken or perhaps associated with Seborrheic dermatitus, being relative to having scaly and flaky skin. This is common after acne sufferers administer strong doses of medicinal strength prescriptions, as they can cause adverse effects if not used properly. Thus, resembling symptoms similar to Seborrheic dermatitus, as the treated skin becomes dry, flaky, scaly, and discolored.
While there are several terms used to define and identify specific types of acne, the most common are as follows:
• Acne vulgaris (cystic acne or simply acne)
• Seborrhea (scaly red skin)
• Comedones (blackheads and whiteheads)
• Papules (pinheads)
• Pustules (pimples)
• Nodules (large papules)
• Cysts (large nodules or boils)
Acne is most commonly located on the face, neck, back, arms, and buttocks, as these areas are more prone to release the secretions of oils, collect bacteria, amass hair follicles, and produce sweat which tends to open these pores making these areas susceptible to multiple toxins which are known to cause skin blockages, leading to various forms of acne.
Acne has also been considered as a potential sign that the health of the body could be suffering from other toxic bacteria possibly in the liver, kidneys, and these infections being carried through the blood cells, is believed to result in acne breakouts.
Speculations are often asserted that certain greasy foods and ones dietary intake may also be a major factor in causing certain types of acne.
Working to rid acne can be a tedious process as it can also lead to inner-complexity issues, depression, or in severe cases even suicide.
The best defense against acne is to arm yourself with knowledge, and test several proven methods that have worked for others until you find a treatment and prevention regiment that works best for you and your skin type.
What Causes Acne?
Most forms of acne are caused when the sebaceous follicles become infected, clogged, or contaminated. In most cases common acne occurs when excessive sebum oil collects around the hair follicles, or from toxins collecting in the pores becoming infected by dead skin, bacteria, or the body's natural acidic waste.
Normally, the body's sebaceous glands are designed to release specific amounts of sebum oil which is excreted from the pores and rises to the skin's surface. The body's natural release of sebum oil helps the skin to remain moist and semi-lubricated, and in turn protects your skin from many of the harmful or harsh elements in the environment.
Once pores become blocked, oil becomes trapped beneath the skin which can no longer be excreted through the skin as normal, leading to blockages. As a result, these areas can become inflamed or infected, which can lead to blemishes, spotting, or the formulation of pimples.
As conditions below the skin worsen, the body still attempts to naturally excrete more oils, and as such, the excess oil builds pressure beneath the skin, causing greater infections known as boils, or cystic acne.
Often, when a blockage occurs the pressure can cause the pores inner walls to explode under the skin surface, forcing the body's white blood cells to move in, in an attempt to absorb the collagen from within the pores of your skin. When this takes place, the results can lead to blemishes in the skin, scarring, or eventually pockmarks.
Acne Prevention
When treated early, the chances of infection or severe acne scarring is greatly reduced. General prevention can be accomplished through a disciplined daily cleansing regiment, such as using a quality cleansing program, and/or in conjunction with a topical acne cream to prevent the follicles and pores from becoming clogged after cleanings. Employing these measures can greatly reduce the risk of causing further damage to the treated area.
Ultimately, identifying the severity of the problem and obtaining knowledge about the specific types of acne and treatments available can be the best defense against acne. Understanding the specific type of acne and proper treatment regiment can assist in the prevention of future breakouts, while minimizing the chances of pockmarks or permanent scarring.
When acne is identified and addressed early, before pimples become severely infected and bursting takes place under the skin, acne scarring can usually be prevented, and save further damage from taking place. Especially, when the appearance of comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) become noticeable, as these can become easily infected, leading to more severe cases of cystic acne, which can often cause pockmarks or permanent scars.
While acne can be a very complicated issue to resolve, many sufferers undergo multiple treatments before finding the solution which works best for their skin type. It goes without saying acne really doesn't discriminate, and affects numerous age groups, skin types and is not always due to poor hygiene or diet as often suggested.
Most types of acne can be treated with proper cleansing, home remedies, and over the counter topical acne creams over a period of weeks or even months before resolving the problem. In severe cases, it is suggested sufferers seek professional care, and contact a dermatologist for stronger prescription medications.
As an acne sufferer myself, I am passionate in educating and providing preventative solutions to fellow acne sufferers, such as; investigating and exploiting proven home remedies, topical ointment applications, holistic medicines, and known solutions to help prevent, and cure acne.
Expert author; Charley Davidson encourages you to receive a "Free Acne Solutions Report" and to learn more about acne solutions by visiting: [].
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Acne (acne vulagaris) is a common skin disorder that affects nearly 100 million people worldwide. Regardless of age, acne is commonly found in adolescents undergoing puberty as the new hair follicles tend to get clogged beneath the surface of the skin. This certainly does not rule out acne affecting women and men likewise, as many people of all age groups and skin types suffer symptoms of acne globally.
Some forms of acne are often mistaken or perhaps associated with Seborrheic dermatitus, being relative to having scaly and flaky skin. This is common after acne sufferers administer strong doses of medicinal strength prescriptions, as they can cause adverse effects if not used properly. Thus, resembling symptoms similar to Seborrheic dermatitus, as the treated skin becomes dry, flaky, scaly, and discolored.
While there are several terms used to define and identify specific types of acne, the most common are as follows:
• Acne vulgaris (cystic acne or simply acne)
• Seborrhea (scaly red skin)
• Comedones (blackheads and whiteheads)
• Papules (pinheads)
• Pustules (pimples)
• Nodules (large papules)
• Cysts (large nodules or boils)
Acne is most commonly located on the face, neck, back, arms, and buttocks, as these areas are more prone to release the secretions of oils, collect bacteria, amass hair follicles, and produce sweat which tends to open these pores making these areas susceptible to multiple toxins which are known to cause skin blockages, leading to various forms of acne.
Acne has also been considered as a potential sign that the health of the body could be suffering from other toxic bacteria possibly in the liver, kidneys, and these infections being carried through the blood cells, is believed to result in acne breakouts.
Speculations are often asserted that certain greasy foods and ones dietary intake may also be a major factor in causing certain types of acne.
Working to rid acne can be a tedious process as it can also lead to inner-complexity issues, depression, or in severe cases even suicide.
The best defense against acne is to arm yourself with knowledge, and test several proven methods that have worked for others until you find a treatment and prevention regiment that works best for you and your skin type.
What Causes Acne?
Most forms of acne are caused when the sebaceous follicles become infected, clogged, or contaminated. In most cases common acne occurs when excessive sebum oil collects around the hair follicles, or from toxins collecting in the pores becoming infected by dead skin, bacteria, or the body's natural acidic waste.
Normally, the body's sebaceous glands are designed to release specific amounts of sebum oil which is excreted from the pores and rises to the skin's surface. The body's natural release of sebum oil helps the skin to remain moist and semi-lubricated, and in turn protects your skin from many of the harmful or harsh elements in the environment.
Once pores become blocked, oil becomes trapped beneath the skin which can no longer be excreted through the skin as normal, leading to blockages. As a result, these areas can become inflamed or infected, which can lead to blemishes, spotting, or the formulation of pimples.
As conditions below the skin worsen, the body still attempts to naturally excrete more oils, and as such, the excess oil builds pressure beneath the skin, causing greater infections known as boils, or cystic acne.
Often, when a blockage occurs the pressure can cause the pores inner walls to explode under the skin surface, forcing the body's white blood cells to move in, in an attempt to absorb the collagen from within the pores of your skin. When this takes place, the results can lead to blemishes in the skin, scarring, or eventually pockmarks.
Acne Prevention
When treated early, the chances of infection or severe acne scarring is greatly reduced. General prevention can be accomplished through a disciplined daily cleansing regiment, such as using a quality cleansing program, and/or in conjunction with a topical acne cream to prevent the follicles and pores from becoming clogged after cleanings. Employing these measures can greatly reduce the risk of causing further damage to the treated area.
Ultimately, identifying the severity of the problem and obtaining knowledge about the specific types of acne and treatments available can be the best defense against acne. Understanding the specific type of acne and proper treatment regiment can assist in the prevention of future breakouts, while minimizing the chances of pockmarks or permanent scarring.
When acne is identified and addressed early, before pimples become severely infected and bursting takes place under the skin, acne scarring can usually be prevented, and save further damage from taking place. Especially, when the appearance of comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) become noticeable, as these can become easily infected, leading to more severe cases of cystic acne, which can often cause pockmarks or permanent scars.
While acne can be a very complicated issue to resolve, many sufferers undergo multiple treatments before finding the solution which works best for their skin type. It goes without saying acne really doesn't discriminate, and affects numerous age groups, skin types and is not always due to poor hygiene or diet as often suggested.
Most types of acne can be treated with proper cleansing, home remedies, and over the counter topical acne creams over a period of weeks or even months before resolving the problem. In severe cases, it is suggested sufferers seek professional care, and contact a dermatologist for stronger prescription medications.
As an acne sufferer myself, I am passionate in educating and providing preventative solutions to fellow acne sufferers, such as; investigating and exploiting proven home remedies, topical ointment applications, holistic medicines, and known solutions to help prevent, and cure acne.
Expert author; Charley Davidson encourages you to receive a "Free Acne Solutions Report" and to learn more about acne solutions by visiting: [].
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The Truth About Acne Skin Care
Let's face it, you are engaged in an ongoing battle when you are afflicted with acne. While acne treatments for a mild case of acne are usually successful, moderate acne is a greater problem. Even dermatologists cannot cure a severe case of acne but can only provide an acne treatment regimen.
However, you can support your acne treatment efforts with proper acne skin care in order to reduce the recurrence of acne flare-ups and not aggravate existing acne.
Knowing What You're Doing
One of the first pieces of advice is to make sure that you understand and follow the directions for any acne remedy that you are using. If you are taking a prescription acne medicine, read the patient leaflet that accompanies the medication carefully. Typically for moderate to severe acne a dermatologist may prescribe several acne medicines, each with its own treatment protocol and directions.
In order to achieve the acne free skin that you desire, it is important to use all the acne treatments properly and in the correct order. Consider bringing a tablet of paper, a pen, and a friend or relative with you to your appointment with your dermatologist. Simply jot down some notes about the order and time of day for applying each acne medicine and what its purpose is.
Remember, just because the acne clears with the use of your acne medicines doesn't necessarily mean that you have succeeded in curing acne. Most people with moderate to severe acne must continue to use their acne medicine long-term to prevent any recurrence of their acne problem. Using the acne treatments properly should translate to clear skin and freedom from acne scars.
What About Over-the-Counter Remedies?
Besides using medications prescribed by a doctor, there are a large number of products on the market labeled as skin cleansers, facial cleansers, pore cleansers, and facial pore cleaners that can be used in curing acne.
When cleansing skin that is afflicted with acne, an important point to remember is not to scrub the skin; never scrub your face with a washcloth. It is a misconception that acne is caused by dirt clogging the pores of the skin. You don't scrub away the offending dirt; you can't scrub away the offensive acne and achieve acne free skin.
Over-washing or scrubbing skin afflicted with acne only serves to aggravate the condition. Rather use only a gentle skin cleanser, lukewarm water, and a gentle motion with your fingertips as your primary acne skin care regime. When you wash your face with your hands, be sure to first thoroughly wash your hands.
Do Natural Treatments Really Work?
Look for gentle cleansers that are sold as acne solutions. When you're evaluating skin cleansers for acne, include natural acne treatments in your search as well. For example, a soap made from Echinacea and other herbal ingredients is an effective antibiotic facial cleanser that helps fight acne and restore clear skin. Tea tree oil also has known antibiotic properties and serves as a mild anesthetic that will soothe the irritated skin.
Oily skin is implicated as a one of the causes of acne. It doesn't necessarily make sense to use a moisturizer on oily skin as a means of achieving clear skin. But many of the acne treatments, whether they are prescribed or available as over-the-counter products, have a tendency to irritate the skin while curing acne.
A moisturizer is a boost to irritated skin and keeps skin from becoming overly dry due to the acne treatments that have been applied. Look for a moisturizer with the following properties:
- oil-free
- won't clog pores (non-comodogenic)
- containing a sun-screen
Besides a great desire to just scrub away the acne, many people try to remove the acne pimples by hand as a way to get clear skin. People who are afflicted with acne should avoid touching their face except to gently wash it with mild cleanser as already discussed.
By trying to remove pimples by hand you run the risk of creating acne scars that will last for a lifetime. Instead, have patience and rely on your prescription or over-the-counter acne treatment to work. Acne remedies usually take 6 to 8 weeks before curing acne.
For male acne sufferers, the daily ritual of shaving can be a problem. One acne sufferer has recommended the Gillette Sensor Excel as a gentle and effective razor to use. Other males prefer to try an electric razor. The advice is to shave delicately to avoid nicking the skin and to shave only as often as necessary. Finding a moisturizing shave gel may be one way to enhance your acne skin care program.
Female acne sufferers have their unique problems too, in finding the right cosmetic products to use. Females who are accustomed to using a foundation product may find that the foundation is difficult to apply smoothly if the facial skin becomes irritated due to the acne treatments being applied.
You may have to abandon the use of some cosmetics during the acne treatment period. Be sure to select only oil-free cosmetics and ones that are labeled as non-comodogenic (won't clog pores) to use on your road to clear skin.
Proper acne skin care is a necessary addition to your arsenal for fighting your battle with acne and achieving clear skin once again.
John Lenaghan offers information and advice about acne control, natural acne treatment [] and other acne-related topics at the Acne Squad website. Visit for more information about dealing with acne.
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However, you can support your acne treatment efforts with proper acne skin care in order to reduce the recurrence of acne flare-ups and not aggravate existing acne.
Knowing What You're Doing
One of the first pieces of advice is to make sure that you understand and follow the directions for any acne remedy that you are using. If you are taking a prescription acne medicine, read the patient leaflet that accompanies the medication carefully. Typically for moderate to severe acne a dermatologist may prescribe several acne medicines, each with its own treatment protocol and directions.
In order to achieve the acne free skin that you desire, it is important to use all the acne treatments properly and in the correct order. Consider bringing a tablet of paper, a pen, and a friend or relative with you to your appointment with your dermatologist. Simply jot down some notes about the order and time of day for applying each acne medicine and what its purpose is.
Remember, just because the acne clears with the use of your acne medicines doesn't necessarily mean that you have succeeded in curing acne. Most people with moderate to severe acne must continue to use their acne medicine long-term to prevent any recurrence of their acne problem. Using the acne treatments properly should translate to clear skin and freedom from acne scars.
What About Over-the-Counter Remedies?
Besides using medications prescribed by a doctor, there are a large number of products on the market labeled as skin cleansers, facial cleansers, pore cleansers, and facial pore cleaners that can be used in curing acne.
When cleansing skin that is afflicted with acne, an important point to remember is not to scrub the skin; never scrub your face with a washcloth. It is a misconception that acne is caused by dirt clogging the pores of the skin. You don't scrub away the offending dirt; you can't scrub away the offensive acne and achieve acne free skin.
Over-washing or scrubbing skin afflicted with acne only serves to aggravate the condition. Rather use only a gentle skin cleanser, lukewarm water, and a gentle motion with your fingertips as your primary acne skin care regime. When you wash your face with your hands, be sure to first thoroughly wash your hands.
Do Natural Treatments Really Work?
Look for gentle cleansers that are sold as acne solutions. When you're evaluating skin cleansers for acne, include natural acne treatments in your search as well. For example, a soap made from Echinacea and other herbal ingredients is an effective antibiotic facial cleanser that helps fight acne and restore clear skin. Tea tree oil also has known antibiotic properties and serves as a mild anesthetic that will soothe the irritated skin.
Oily skin is implicated as a one of the causes of acne. It doesn't necessarily make sense to use a moisturizer on oily skin as a means of achieving clear skin. But many of the acne treatments, whether they are prescribed or available as over-the-counter products, have a tendency to irritate the skin while curing acne.
A moisturizer is a boost to irritated skin and keeps skin from becoming overly dry due to the acne treatments that have been applied. Look for a moisturizer with the following properties:
- oil-free
- won't clog pores (non-comodogenic)
- containing a sun-screen
Besides a great desire to just scrub away the acne, many people try to remove the acne pimples by hand as a way to get clear skin. People who are afflicted with acne should avoid touching their face except to gently wash it with mild cleanser as already discussed.
By trying to remove pimples by hand you run the risk of creating acne scars that will last for a lifetime. Instead, have patience and rely on your prescription or over-the-counter acne treatment to work. Acne remedies usually take 6 to 8 weeks before curing acne.
For male acne sufferers, the daily ritual of shaving can be a problem. One acne sufferer has recommended the Gillette Sensor Excel as a gentle and effective razor to use. Other males prefer to try an electric razor. The advice is to shave delicately to avoid nicking the skin and to shave only as often as necessary. Finding a moisturizing shave gel may be one way to enhance your acne skin care program.
Female acne sufferers have their unique problems too, in finding the right cosmetic products to use. Females who are accustomed to using a foundation product may find that the foundation is difficult to apply smoothly if the facial skin becomes irritated due to the acne treatments being applied.
You may have to abandon the use of some cosmetics during the acne treatment period. Be sure to select only oil-free cosmetics and ones that are labeled as non-comodogenic (won't clog pores) to use on your road to clear skin.
Proper acne skin care is a necessary addition to your arsenal for fighting your battle with acne and achieving clear skin once again.
John Lenaghan offers information and advice about acne control, natural acne treatment [] and other acne-related topics at the Acne Squad website. Visit for more information about dealing with acne.
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Saturday, May 21, 2016
Acne Home Remedies Beat The Living Daylights Out Of Acne!
Acne home remedies are gaining popularity in recent years and this momentum is not about to stop. But before we talk about these acne home remedies, let us go through some factors and substances we should try to avoid so that we get the optimum results.
Things to Avoid
1. Greasy Cosmetics
Greasy cosmetics contain agents that may change the follicle cells and cause augmentation. When that happens, sebum cannot escape and as it builds up in the skin pores, blackheads, whiteheads and acne result.
2. Certain Drugs
If you know you are sensitive and susceptible to acne outbreaks, avoid taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs that contain androgens, barbiturates and lithium. Some substances interact with one another and develop acne as a symptom. When you taking drugs containing stanozolol, avoid mixing with medications containing any of these such as flunisolide, aerobid, aerobid-M, nasalide and bronalide.
3. Rough Skin Handling
Treat your skin with care when washing and shaving. Try not to scratch or squeeze your pimples.
4. Excessive Exposure to Sunlight and Pollutants
Avoid excessive sunlight and exposure to pollutants. Spend more time indoors than outdoors. Over dosage of sunlight would hurt our skin complexion.
5. Contact Pressure
This refers to the contact pressure between our skin and clothes or head gear we wear such as sports headgear, tight clothings etc.
Effective Acne Home Remedies
1. Grind fresh fenugreek leaves into a paste and apply it over your face every night for 15 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. This is a secret formula for clear skin.
2. Go to the supermarket and get hold of some strawberry leaves. Strawberry leaves are good alkaline. Apply them on the acne spots to suppress swelling.
3. Lemons are great as acne home remedies. There are a few uses for it. You can either use the lemon skin to massage your face or mix the juice with rose water before application on your face. Do this for 30 minutes daily and you should be able to see a marked improvement in your skin complexion.
4. Garlic is one of the best acne home remedies in the world. If you can overcome the odour, apply ground or pounded garlic on your face 2 times daily. It would work wonders on your acne.
5. Eat the oranges but leave the skin or peels behind. Grind them into a paste and apply them on the affected acne spots.
Stay on to read my blog for more useful acne home remedies and discover some secret home remedies for acne that have cured my acne sufferers of their acne within days.
This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.
Davion is a successful webmaster, author and healthy lifestyle advocate. Learn more about secret acne home remedies and how you can cure acne naturally and easily from home in 3 days at
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One Of The Best Acne Products
During my high school years, I had terrible acne all over my face. Unfortunately, the acne left some scars that look many small dimples on my cheeks. I feel like I’ve tried every product out there and have spent hundreds of dollars. One of the best products I found for clearing my acne was surprisingly not Proactiv as many people would suspect. It is called Beautiful Skin. Yes, I did try Proactiv and I wasn’t completely satisfied as some of the other “no name” products such as this one. The great thing about Beautiful Skin was its free 30-day trial. All I had to pay was the cost of shipping. I stuck with Beautiful Skin for about five months before trying various acne scar removal products. Like most, if not all, acne treatment products, Beautiful Skin involves a few steps (four to be exact) that are done once or twice a day. These include:
Cleanser: Gently removes dirt and makeup without drying the skin
Toner: Refreshes and softens the skin
Day Serum: Lightweight, non-greasy gel helps combat daily pollutants while heals acne
Cream: Gentle, yet effective, treats and heals acne without irritation and helps prevent future acne
Beautiful Skin is not just for teenagers either; adults can use it effectively too! My mother had a light case of acne during the summer and she used some of my Beautiful Skin to get rid of it in a matter of weeks. Seems to work great for all acne cases, whether its as bad as mine or very light cases of acne. I cover more acne treatment tips and acne scar removal products in my blog:
Go check out my blog and leave me some comments! I'd love to hear from you!
Acne Scar Treatment [] One of the best acne products [] Beautiful Skin []
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Friday, May 20, 2016
How to Cure Acne Naturally With Diet and Supplementation
Acne is a disfiguring disease that can completely destroy your self-esteem. I know, because I had it for over 12 years. It can be emotionally crippling to the point where you don't even want to leave the house. And I've had it all, from blackheads to whiteheads to MASSIVE cystic acne.
So how do you get rid of acne? That seems to be the million dollar question that no one can answer. There are thousands upon thousands of topical creams, antibiotics, 'quick fix' drugs and other harmful acne 'cures' on the market today (ever hear of Accutane?). The problem? None of these are directed at killing the ROOT cause of acne, and only deal with the symptoms.
That's what businesses do. It's not in their best interest to help you cure acne, because then you won't be spending millions of dollars a year on their products. It's a vicious cycle that I fell into for 12 years until I started reading about diet and general nutrition. This completely opened my eyes.
You see, acne is a disease like any other that starts from inside your body due to what you put into it. If you eat and drink toxins all day, or even foods you are intolerant to (for me it was wheat and dairy), your body has to find a way to expel these toxins. One such way is through your skin. It also makes a difference if you are genetically predisposed to have acne, which not everyone is. This is why certain people can eat whatever they want and not get acne, but what they don't understand is that they are going to have other problems later in life such as obesity or diabetes. Everyone has a different genetic make-up.
So for us unfortunate people that have the 'unlucky' acne gene, you need to learn how to eat correctly and supplement with 'super' foods, and I can guarantee your acne will improve almost immediately... and for GOOD! Check out my blog for more information, as I will be updating it regularly with HONEST reviews on the best natural acne products available. Take control of your health today.
My name is Chase Michaels, and I suffered with acne for 12 long years(this includes blackheads and MASSIVE cystic acne on my back, neck, and chest.) My goal is to help people like me that have suffered with acne and have tried seemingly everything with little or no luck. Please check out my blog for information on how I finally got clear after 12 painful years.
acne cure reviews
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Acne Skin Care Products for Men
Choosing the right acne skin care product may seem like a stressful, and even emotional task. With so many infomercials and acne products promising the perfect skin results, it's hard to make up your mind on just one, because they all seem to promise wonders just to underdeliver once you get them.
The truth is that there are tons of fake acne solutions on the market, companies just looking to make some quick bucks, but there is a way to make sure that you are picking the right acne product that will deliver the clear skin you've been searching for.
The best advice I can give is that you look for all the reviews possible on the product of your choice. Type in the product + reviews onto any major search engine online and take some time to read through a couple of reviews until you get a general idea of what others who have already tried the product think. There are many sites online that consist of reviews made by customers, even Amazon has it integrated in their product sites. There are also blogs that get products for review and give their honest opinion about the subject.
Also, as a main point in your quest to find the best solution, make sure the acne treatment of your choice doesn't contain astringents or alcohol since these can cause further irritation of the skin.
I personally hated when I spent money on a skin care product only to realize with time after its use there where no results to be seen. That is why at Men's Skin Care Tips Blog we give guys honest reviews about skin care products for men, including acne skin care products for men.
Real reviews on products for men, that way you can get the acne skin care you need with out having to waste money on useless products.
For more information on men's skin care, go to, you'll find loads of tips and articles to get you on the right track for a clear skin. And whilst you are there check out the blog too! It has news and product reviews.
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5 Tips on How to Cure Acne Naturally
Acne is one of the worst things for your self-esteem. It doesn't matter if you're a teenager or 40 years old, acne can be emotionally crippling. My goal is to teach you how to clear acne the natural and healthy way, by attacking the root cause and getting clear skin for GOOD. Here are 5 tips that I hope get you on the right track.
1. The most important tip from what I've learned in the past 12 years is diet. Now I'm not talking about the diet that your dermatologists or doctors say has no effect on acne, because there's a lot more to it then that. It's not just fried foods and chocolate that can worsen acne, although those are two of the worst culprits. Despite what skin doctors say, acne IS caused in part---a very large part---by diet. One of the biggest things to avoid from my experience is unhealthy vegetable oils, which happens to be almost all of them. Extra virgin olive oil is one of the only vegetable oils that I can recommend because it has a lot of healthy nutrients that the other oils do not contain. Avoiding processed foods is another huge one, but that should come as no surprise to you. Stick with whole foods like vegetables and fruits.
2. Healthy supplementation. There are some really good 'super' supplements on the market today that are all natural that I highly recommend. Zinc is one of them. Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties that can really put a 'hurting' on acne. There are several other supplements that can help with acne, and health/mood in general, but zinc is one of the best. Consult your doctor before taking any supplement to get the right dosages, as you CAN overdose on zinc. If taken correctly it can really help with your acne (especially cystic acne), you just need to be careful.
3. Exercise. This is another huge one. If you're sitting on your couch all day eating potato chips, how are you supposed to get clear skin? One of the best ways to optimal health is to exercise 3-4 times a week at the very minimum. This doesn't mean you have to run 5 miles and hit the gym, but at least walk for 20 minutes a day or play a sport that you enjoy. Getting the blood and oxygen flowing is another sure-fire way to destroy acne. Just remember, optimal health is what it's all about.
4. Cleanliness. This is the obvious one. Acne isn't caused by dirt like some would have you believe, however it can be caused in part by clogged pores due to excess sebum. You need to keep your skin clean and moisturized. There are so many products out there, but I personally enjoy the Purpose line as it's very gentle on the skin. Moisturizers are a bit trickier depending on your skin type, so you will have to experiment, but I prefer any natural aloe vera gel that is 100% natural.
5. Lastly, and this is a big one, you need to have a POSITIVE attitude about acne. If you worry about acne all day and night, it will be that much harder to clear your skin. Your subconscious mind has a way of gravitating toward what you predominantly think about, so if you're thinking about acne all day that is what your mind and body will want to produce. You must think and KNOW you are clearing up, and stop dwelling on the negative.
I hope these 5 hints helped you. There is more to curing acne obviously, but this is a step in the right direction. With my help I hope to help everyone that wants to listen how to completely rid themselves of this ugly disease. Check out my blog for all of the information you will ever need to completely rid yourself of acne.
My name is Chase Michaels, and I suffered with acne for 12 long years(this includes blackheads and MASSIVE cystic acne on my back, neck, and chest.) My goal is to find the safest and most natural ways to destroy this disease once and for all. Please check out my blog for information on how I finally got clear after 12 painful years.
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Monday, May 16, 2016
Astonish Findings on How to Get Rid of Acne Efficiently and Permanently
How to Get Rid of Acne Fast & Permanently - A Complete Guide with the Latest Discoveries
Acne is a serious problem that plagues teenagers and young adults alike, which prompts everyone to try and figure out how to get rid of acne fast. Though it was once not very well understood, much research has gone into figuring out how to get rid of acne. Much to one's surprise, there are plenty of reasons why one can develop acne.
Poor Diet
One thing that must be taken into consideration is the fact that a poor diet makes for bad skin. Skin health, which includes acne, has a strong tie to diet. As some quick proof: standard indigenous cultures find themselves with few acne outbreaks, but once they begin to indulge in the standard American diet, the level of acne begins to increase. This is important to know when learning how to get rid of acne fast.
For women, consuming a large amount of sugar will raise the level of insulin the body, which causes testosterone to be produced in women, which would result in acne. For everyone in general, having plenty of processed and saturated fast will compete with the omega-3s within the body, which will also increase acne.
On an interesting note, having milk chocolate can increase acne due to being high in sugar, but dark chocolate will do the exact possible: decrease acne.
Deficiency in Nutrition
A diet that is poorly constructed is bound to lack nutrients. Having a deficiency in certain nutrients can allow acne to appear. To know how to get rid of acne requires knowing what to avoid in terms of one's diet.
Specifically, having a deficiency in omega-3 fats, omega-6 fats and zinc can cause acne to appear. By taking some supplements, one can reduce the inflammation that leads to acne. Similarly, topical vitamin B3 can help with acne.
Finally, having low antioxidant levels and not eating enough fruits and vegetables can lead to the production of acne.
Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal imbalances can have adverse effects in many aspects in life, and acne is listed among those. The largest factor that contributes to what affects hormones includes the glycemic load of one's diet, which is how rapidly the food in question increases the blood sugar and, in turn, the level of insulin in the body.
To combat this, it helps to cut out sugar to reduce insulin and eating both fiber and omega-3 fats for women to reduce acne-causing testosterone. This can help balance out the hormones and will help in the journey in how to get rid of acne.
Food Allergies
Acne can actually be the result of delayed food allergies. Those who have leaky guts can be affected by eggs, yeast, dairy and eggs. It is possible to either avoid these foods or take probiotics to try and combat this; the bacteria from the probiotics will also help by taking up space on the skin and reducing the amount of acne that can appear. Therefore, learning how to get rid of acne fast includes knowing what to avoid.
The Brain
When people consider how to get rid of acne, they never realize that their brains can also have an impact on it. Acne flare-ups are very common under stress; this is because stress creates an environment that increases inflammation, which raises the cortisol level in the body and repletes the selenium, magnesium and zinc that inhibit acne.
In addition, stress can cause someone to make poor dietary choices as she feels more likely to eat comfort foods to relieve the stress.
Stress can be managed through many means, such as biofeedback, yoga, meditation, massages, saunas, aromatherapy, exercise and much more.
How to Get Rid of Acne Fast
To figure out how to get rid of acne means figuring out the right product that can get the job done when a healthier diet cannot fix it. There are hundreds of different products out there, but the most effective ones all have similar properties to them. At the end of the day, there are seven different ingredients and products that will help effectively kill acne and bring back one's self-confidence. Why wait to figure out how to get rid of acne fast?
1. Benzoyl Peroxide
An antibacterial compound, benzoyl peroxide is often the main ingredient in several acne medications available in the former of cleansers, lotions and creams. When used as the instructions direct, this ingredient can do wonders for reducing acne as well as its associated skin problems.
Typical dosages of this ingredient can be anywhere between 2.5 percent and 10 percent. Milder forms of acne will respond well to the low 2.5 percent dosage while moderate to severe forms will require 5 percent to 10 percent concentration.
2. Salicylic Acid
This is another topical treatment for skin conditions that not only treat acne but can serve against calluses, corns, warts, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis and more. The primary ingredient is a beta hydroxy acid that comes deep within the bark of willow trees. It is often available as an ointment, medicated pad, shampoo, cream and toner.
For people who have acne, this kind of ointment works well by removing the dead skin cells and exfoliating the skin. During this process, the body produces new skin cells beneath the current surface. As these cell reach the surface, it sloughs away the ones on the outer surface.
3. Glycolic Acid
An alpha hydroxy acid, glycolic acid is an ingredient that is found in many acne care products. It is actually an anti-aging ingredient that penetrates the top of the skin and smooths its appearance by removing dead and aging skin.
Typically, creams with alpha hydroxy acids as the base come between 5 percent and 20 percent. This is important to know for those looking to figure out how to get rid of acne fast.
4. Aloe Vera
Everybody knows aloe vera to be a soothing gel from plants that can treat burns and other wounds. It is actually effective to use this ingredient when the acne is still red or swollen. In truth, it will not reduce the size or the acne or get rid of it outright; its purpose in this stage is to expedite the process of healing and reduce the redness. To use it, wash the affected area and then apply the aloe vera directly to eliminate acne.
5. Sulfur
One reason that sulfur is such a popular choice for getting rid of acne is because it can aid in cellular turnover, which promotes faster healing from pimples. It is often included in various exfoliating products for those who are prone to developing acne.
Some people also choose this ingredient since it comes with mild antibacterial properties. Most acne is due to bacteria, causing inflammation that leads to pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. By getting rid of the bacteria, sulfur can reduce the likelihood of future breakouts.
6. Azelaic Acid
Finally, on the list of ingredients that teaches how to get rid of acne, this is an effective way to stop the painful effects of acne. It is useful to eliminate the effects of the bacteria by cleaning away the bacteria within, which will then also decrease the symptoms of acne.
7. Alpha Hydroxy Acids
This is one of the names that will be familiar to those who have looked for anti-aging elements to try and get a more youthful appearance. It is the name of something that is often used in a number of products that help with cosmetics and with skin care. The term applies to an entire family of different acids that come from a number of places, whether it is sugar, milk or fruit.
Glycolic acid is the most commonly used of this family, which is made from sugar. The other common kind of alpha hydroxy acid is lactic acid, which is made from milk. Of course, these are also known as citric and fruit acids.
Women in particular often have used lemon juice in order to create a bleaching effect on their freckles, and this has been true for centuries. In addition to all of this, this family of acid can also help treat acne and get rid of it overnight.
For more information on how to get rid of acne fast, you can visit, a popular website that offers the latest information on "how to treat acne" and the "top acne products".
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Acne is a serious problem that plagues teenagers and young adults alike, which prompts everyone to try and figure out how to get rid of acne fast. Though it was once not very well understood, much research has gone into figuring out how to get rid of acne. Much to one's surprise, there are plenty of reasons why one can develop acne.
Poor Diet
One thing that must be taken into consideration is the fact that a poor diet makes for bad skin. Skin health, which includes acne, has a strong tie to diet. As some quick proof: standard indigenous cultures find themselves with few acne outbreaks, but once they begin to indulge in the standard American diet, the level of acne begins to increase. This is important to know when learning how to get rid of acne fast.
For women, consuming a large amount of sugar will raise the level of insulin the body, which causes testosterone to be produced in women, which would result in acne. For everyone in general, having plenty of processed and saturated fast will compete with the omega-3s within the body, which will also increase acne.
On an interesting note, having milk chocolate can increase acne due to being high in sugar, but dark chocolate will do the exact possible: decrease acne.
Deficiency in Nutrition
A diet that is poorly constructed is bound to lack nutrients. Having a deficiency in certain nutrients can allow acne to appear. To know how to get rid of acne requires knowing what to avoid in terms of one's diet.
Specifically, having a deficiency in omega-3 fats, omega-6 fats and zinc can cause acne to appear. By taking some supplements, one can reduce the inflammation that leads to acne. Similarly, topical vitamin B3 can help with acne.
Finally, having low antioxidant levels and not eating enough fruits and vegetables can lead to the production of acne.
Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal imbalances can have adverse effects in many aspects in life, and acne is listed among those. The largest factor that contributes to what affects hormones includes the glycemic load of one's diet, which is how rapidly the food in question increases the blood sugar and, in turn, the level of insulin in the body.
To combat this, it helps to cut out sugar to reduce insulin and eating both fiber and omega-3 fats for women to reduce acne-causing testosterone. This can help balance out the hormones and will help in the journey in how to get rid of acne.
Food Allergies
Acne can actually be the result of delayed food allergies. Those who have leaky guts can be affected by eggs, yeast, dairy and eggs. It is possible to either avoid these foods or take probiotics to try and combat this; the bacteria from the probiotics will also help by taking up space on the skin and reducing the amount of acne that can appear. Therefore, learning how to get rid of acne fast includes knowing what to avoid.
The Brain
When people consider how to get rid of acne, they never realize that their brains can also have an impact on it. Acne flare-ups are very common under stress; this is because stress creates an environment that increases inflammation, which raises the cortisol level in the body and repletes the selenium, magnesium and zinc that inhibit acne.
In addition, stress can cause someone to make poor dietary choices as she feels more likely to eat comfort foods to relieve the stress.
Stress can be managed through many means, such as biofeedback, yoga, meditation, massages, saunas, aromatherapy, exercise and much more.
How to Get Rid of Acne Fast
To figure out how to get rid of acne means figuring out the right product that can get the job done when a healthier diet cannot fix it. There are hundreds of different products out there, but the most effective ones all have similar properties to them. At the end of the day, there are seven different ingredients and products that will help effectively kill acne and bring back one's self-confidence. Why wait to figure out how to get rid of acne fast?
1. Benzoyl Peroxide
An antibacterial compound, benzoyl peroxide is often the main ingredient in several acne medications available in the former of cleansers, lotions and creams. When used as the instructions direct, this ingredient can do wonders for reducing acne as well as its associated skin problems.
Typical dosages of this ingredient can be anywhere between 2.5 percent and 10 percent. Milder forms of acne will respond well to the low 2.5 percent dosage while moderate to severe forms will require 5 percent to 10 percent concentration.
2. Salicylic Acid
This is another topical treatment for skin conditions that not only treat acne but can serve against calluses, corns, warts, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis and more. The primary ingredient is a beta hydroxy acid that comes deep within the bark of willow trees. It is often available as an ointment, medicated pad, shampoo, cream and toner.
For people who have acne, this kind of ointment works well by removing the dead skin cells and exfoliating the skin. During this process, the body produces new skin cells beneath the current surface. As these cell reach the surface, it sloughs away the ones on the outer surface.
3. Glycolic Acid
An alpha hydroxy acid, glycolic acid is an ingredient that is found in many acne care products. It is actually an anti-aging ingredient that penetrates the top of the skin and smooths its appearance by removing dead and aging skin.
Typically, creams with alpha hydroxy acids as the base come between 5 percent and 20 percent. This is important to know for those looking to figure out how to get rid of acne fast.
4. Aloe Vera
Everybody knows aloe vera to be a soothing gel from plants that can treat burns and other wounds. It is actually effective to use this ingredient when the acne is still red or swollen. In truth, it will not reduce the size or the acne or get rid of it outright; its purpose in this stage is to expedite the process of healing and reduce the redness. To use it, wash the affected area and then apply the aloe vera directly to eliminate acne.
5. Sulfur
One reason that sulfur is such a popular choice for getting rid of acne is because it can aid in cellular turnover, which promotes faster healing from pimples. It is often included in various exfoliating products for those who are prone to developing acne.
Some people also choose this ingredient since it comes with mild antibacterial properties. Most acne is due to bacteria, causing inflammation that leads to pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. By getting rid of the bacteria, sulfur can reduce the likelihood of future breakouts.
6. Azelaic Acid
Finally, on the list of ingredients that teaches how to get rid of acne, this is an effective way to stop the painful effects of acne. It is useful to eliminate the effects of the bacteria by cleaning away the bacteria within, which will then also decrease the symptoms of acne.
7. Alpha Hydroxy Acids
This is one of the names that will be familiar to those who have looked for anti-aging elements to try and get a more youthful appearance. It is the name of something that is often used in a number of products that help with cosmetics and with skin care. The term applies to an entire family of different acids that come from a number of places, whether it is sugar, milk or fruit.
Glycolic acid is the most commonly used of this family, which is made from sugar. The other common kind of alpha hydroxy acid is lactic acid, which is made from milk. Of course, these are also known as citric and fruit acids.
Women in particular often have used lemon juice in order to create a bleaching effect on their freckles, and this has been true for centuries. In addition to all of this, this family of acid can also help treat acne and get rid of it overnight.
For more information on how to get rid of acne fast, you can visit, a popular website that offers the latest information on "how to treat acne" and the "top acne products".
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Saturday, May 14, 2016
Best Homemade Remedies For Acne
Check Out This Solid Advice To Improve Your Acne
Acne is an embarrassing problem. You can have control of your breakouts, even though at times it seems impossible. There are many natural remedies that work just as well as medications, sometimes better. Sometimes your body just needs proper skin care and the right nutritional balance to help acne go away for good. Take a look at these great hints.
A paste of nutmeg and milk makes an effective treatment for acne. Combine ground nutmeg with some room temperature milk until it forms a paste. Apply this to the areas affected by acne and leave it on overnight. Often the acne will disappear quickly and without leaving unsightly marks on your face.
If you want to get clear skin and feel your best during the day, try to get eight hours of sleep at the minimum. Sleep is essential for healthy skin, as it helps to replenish your body with the nutrients that it lost during the day, while reducing stress and anxiety.
Reduce stress in your life so that you are able to maximize the benefits that you'll see from your anti-acne efforts. Emotional and physiological stress are common reasons behind breakouts. Physiological stress, such as an illness, can leave the body dehydrated, leaving less water for your skin to use to purge toxins. Emotional stress can wreak havoc on your internal systems, making you more susceptible to breakouts.
Do not pick at or squeeze blackheads, instead use a special blackhead cleaner and wash your face often. This will keep you from getting scars and help clear the blackheads in the long run. There are many different brands of blackhead cleaning products available that will make your skin look its very best.
Cut back on coffee. Some studies show that coffee, with or without caffeine, stimulates cortisone production. This can cause acne to flare up or get worse. Instead of coffee, try drinking either green or white tea. If you feel stressed out you should completely stop drinking coffee until your acne clears up.
To help your skin resist and recover from acne, avoid using hair care products with excessive liquid residue. These residues tend to drip or spatter on the face, where they can clog pores and contribute significantly to acne infections. Minimize the amount of product you use. Switch to lighter products, or consider forgoing such products entirely.
If you have problems with pimples, try using a honey mask one to two times per week. The natural antibacterial properties of honey can kill bacteria, which helps prevent infection as well as giving your immune system less work to do, so it can clear up your acne faster. Honey is also thought to contain nutrients that are essential for healing, and it may even reduce pain.
If your breakouts are not severe, or do not cover your entire face, then the best option for treatment would be spot treatment. Using an over the counter cream or gel with benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, or salicylic acid have typically shown the best results. These ingredients will dry out the affected area and leave the rest of your skin hydrated.
If you are trying to get rid of acne, you do not want to stay in the sun too long. This will cause cells to die and create more blockage in your pores. One way to prevent this is to wear some kind of protective head gear like a hat.
To help make sure you don't suffer from acne breakouts, you should exfoliate your skin. When you exfoliate you are removing the build-up of dead skin cells, which are one of the causes of acne breakouts. A daily exfoliation will keep your skin soft and smooth, brighten your complexion and make your skin less prone to breakouts.
If you have acne, you need to make sure that you treat your infected skin very gently. If you try to squeeze and hurt your face roughly, then you may cause permanent damage to your face. The skin where acne forms is very sensitive, so it is important that you treat it so.
New acne-fighting gadgets that are on the market, claim to quickly and effectively eliminate acne within hours. While these devices have been proven to treat acne, at over $100 each, they are overpriced and unnecessary. Especially is this the case when you find out that these machines work simply by directing intense heat at the offending blemish.
An important tip to consider when concerning acne is to make every attempt to not touch your face throughout the day. This is important because your hands typically will carry dirt, oil and bacteria on them, at any given time. Try to use a tissue, if you do need to scratch or rub an area of your face, if you are not able to wash your hands first.
Get Rid Of Acne
Drink lots of water to help get rid of acne. When your skin is dehydrated it can't effectively get rid of the dead skin cells, which can then clog up your pores and cause acne. It is recommended that you drink at least two liters, or half a gallon, of still mineral water every single day to keep the acne away.
To help get rid of acne, you can try using licorice root. It's an all natural herb whose ingredients have been known to reduce the redness of acne and get rid of it as well. Licorice root is good for people with all skin types and can be used daily.
A good tip that can help you get rid of acne is to start taking chromium. Chromium can be obtained through your diet or through a supplement, and it helps fight acne because it heals any infections on your skin. Get some chromium if you're looking to get rid of acne.
You may want to consider using the Peruvian root vegetable, Maca, in order to help get rid of acne. Maca is rich in nutrients and vitamins that help to stabilize and balance your body's system, while also controlling the hormones that could be causing your acne. You can blend this vegetable into a smoothie.
To help get rid of acne or blemishes, you may want to consider using a coffee ground scrub. Coffee beans are a natural substance that makes acne less severe. You can use the coffee grounds that are left over in your coffee pot and dump it on a sponge to use it all over your body.
To get rid of acne, make sure you are getting a good night's sleep every night. Sleep is what your body needs to repair itself from the wear and tear of the day, and this also holds true for your skin. If you are already on medication for acne, this also allows ample time for it to work so that you can see results in the next day.
Natural skin care products may help you get rid of acne. In general, products derived directly from natural plants are not as harsh as more complex chemicals and work more harmoniously with your skin. Natural products are not any more expensive than their artificial equivalents, if you find the proper ways to get them. You can, for example, prepare many of them yourself.
Talk to your doctor about pros and cons of ingesting acne medications that are on the market in pill form. Some of these medications have serious side effects that are not worth having just to get rid of acne. In fact, get a second or third opinion. There is no magic pill to cure acne.
Garlic is a great tool to use if you want to get rid of acne breakouts. The natural antibiotics in it help kill the bacteria that causes acne. Simply crush up one or two cloves of garlic and rub it on your face. After it has been on for about 30 minutes, wash it off with warm water.
To get rid of acne, it is important to eat as many vegetables, fruits and nuts as you can. Acne has been known to form because the body has deficiencies in certain minerals that these foods contain. Try making yourself smoothies with the fruit, snacking on the nuts and eating at least one salad a day.
Now that you know how to take care of your body and your skin in a way that helps to clear up your acne, don't hesitate to start. It may take a few weeks to see results, but once your body gets the right treatment, inside and out, you will see a fresh-looking face staring back at you in the mirror.
If you are looking for the best remedy for acne. Learn more at Get Rid Of Acne [], Try the natural way at []
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