Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Acne Alternative Treatment - No Nonsense Guide To Cure Acne

It is common to see people rushing to pharmacies to purchase creams, cleanser or lotions to cure their acne. Visiting the dermatologist is also a common thing that acne sufferers do but are these correct ways to treat acne? Most people still suffer from acne after spending huge amount of money on acne products and consultations by dermatologist. This shows that it takes more than creams and antibiotics to help cure your acne. The real answer lies in acne alternative treatment and I will talk more about it.

Acne occurs when you have a weakened immune system, excess dead skin cells, oily skin and a body prone to inflammation. These are the underlying causes of acne but acne products and antibiotics do not tend to these problems. In fact, it can even worsen the problem.

People fail to get rid of their acne when they rely on acne creams and cleanser. It can help to treat acne at its surface but acne will continue to appear unless you get rid of the deeper problems that cause breakouts.

Acne alternative treatment consists of altering your diet. Our diet plays a huge role in alternative treatment as it can get rid of the underlying problems that cause acne.

A diet that consists of refined carbohydrates, high sugar content food and animal fats can make you vulnerable to acne. Refined carbohydrates and high sugar content food can cause insulin spike in your blood level. The spike causes your skin cells to turnover faster, which can increase your chances of pores blockages. It also causes your skin to become oily.

Eating junk foods can also have an adverse effect on your body. Foreign chemicals such as preservatives and additives can cause your body to accumulate toxins. Our elimination organs such as kidneys and colon can help to get rid of these toxins. However, these organs can become sluggish when they are overwhelmed by the huge amount of toxins in the body.

Your overall health is affected when toxins are not eliminated efficiently from your body. Your skin will help to push the toxins out of your body and it will increase your chances of having new acne outbreaks.

If you truly want to get rid of acne, stop relying on acne products and antibiotics. Try out the alternative acne treatment of cleansing your body by the methods of detoxing and eating a clean diet. Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates, high sugar content food and junk foods. Replace them with natural foods such as fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables. These are real foods that can help your body to get back into balance. You can see results in a week or 2 if you maintain a strict diet.

Last but not least, invest your time and money into learning more about your acne condition. Read more articles here, pick up new books or read up on blogs. Most people do not know how to cure acne and the exact causes of it. It is easy to cure acne once you know what causes it. You can go on to tackle the real problems of acne and being acne free is not a dream anymore, it is some that can be done.

If you do not know where to start, you can pick up the eBook Acne No More by Mike Walden. This is the book that I first started out with and it provides me with lots of new insights and effective tips that helped me cured my acne in 4 weeks time.

Next, find out how you get rid of acne effortlessly. Click on the link and read this ebook by Mike Walden and he will teach you what you need to know to cure your acne now. >>> Acne No More Review

Joseph is a past acne sufferer and he used the unique 5 steps holistic acne cure methods that Mike Walden teaches to help him to cure his acne in just 4 weeks time. He writes about severe acne treatment and also share with you tips on his blog to help you clear your acne fast.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Joseph_Cowell/101274

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5169795

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